Page 16 - ISSUE 12
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PAGE 16                                                                                                           ROCKNATION ISSUE 12
                                                                         anyway.... this is the type of wrong attitude  like a dream come true, as it’s written on
                                                                         that Brazilian hard Rock / glam rock bands  the CD itself. It’s a very strong record and
                                                                         have. All I know is that we’re trying to do it   we wish we could please all the listeners
                                                                         not only for the looks, but also for the music  out there.
                                                                         with Nympho.                        Brian: If I came to a live show of NYMPHO
                                                                         Brian: Is it true you played a 30th Kiss   what can I expect?
                                                                         Anniversary party in Brazil? And if that’s   Criss: Serious players, great songs, loud,
                                                                         true what song did you play?        loud, loud, loud, loud music. Some really
                                                                         Criss: Yes it is. I must say it was my best   interesting stuff - we play Alice In Chains’
                                                                         gig ever. I had a solo band at the time, and  “Man in the Box” just to differ from other
                                                                         this gig was memorable. There were three  bands, and it rocks!!! Who could ever think
                                                                         bands on the bill, and we played our hearts  a rock n’ roll band inspired in the 80’s
                                                                         out, around 15, 16 Kiss                                   would play it???
                                                                         songs. I love Kiss in the                                 Brian: What is
                                                                         eighties, we played stuff                                 on the agenda
                                                                         like “Tears are Falling”,                                 for the rest of
                                                                         “Bang Bang You”, “Fits                                    2009?
                                                                         Like a Glove”.... never                                   Criss: Shows
                                               Interview with            before had I felt that                                    and more
                                                                                                                                   shows. I’ve
                                                                         good!!! We (Nympho) still
                                                  Criss Sexx             play “Lick It Up” live                                    been writing
                                                       By                on every gig.                                             new
                                                                         Brian: Not counting Kiss
                                                                                                                                   material for
                                            Brian Rademacher             who are your favorite                                     Nympho album
                                                                         glam bands?
                                                                                                                                   #2 and, if
                                                                         Criss: Too many to be                                     everything goes
  Brian: Hello Criss and welcome to   A**”, “Ignited”... we’re not only trying to   mentioned, you know.                           right, we could
  RockNation, You have a new CD on    reach out Kiss fans, because we’re big   Kiss, Motley Crue,                                  be in the studio
  Perris records VIP (Very Indecent People)   Kiss fans ourselves. When I was writing the  Poison, LA Guns.... I do                by July or
  does that mean you run around naked  songs for “VIP” I thought that sounding like  love hard rock and AOR                        August. We’re
  all the time?                       “the best” would make it rock even harder!  as well, some of my other                        so focused on
  Criss: Hi there.... HaHaHaHa.... No,   The “Bastard Barbie” songs are more   favorites are Whitesnake,                           the released of
  Unfortunately we do not walk around   sleazy, glam rock. The ones on “VIP” and   Vixen, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, Nelson....   “VIP” right now that we can hardly wait to
  naked all the time! The thing is, after the   on the next album are really more rock n’   and my favorite singer ever is Mark   play it live!
  songs on the album had been recorded, I   roll with mostly erotic lyrics.  I know it’s very  (Marcie) Free, from King Kobra.
  felt like we needed a title that could fit the   cliche, but I think it’s a good formula.   Brian: If you had a dream come true what
  songs. The album’s content is very   Brian:  The band is coming out of Brazil, is  would that be?
  “sexual” here and there, and “Very   80’s rock glam popular over there?  Criss: Maybe playing in the USA. Since I   For more band
  Indecent People” sounded like the right   Criss: Not really. I think my former band   was a kid I’ve dreamed about doing it.
  choice.                             and I started this here in Brazil. I can say   I’ve been into rock n’ roll since I was 7,
  Brian: “Green Lights Go” off the new CD   that I was the co-founder of the first ever   and I’ve always imagined how it is like
  VIP really has that 70’s KISS vibe, are  Brazilizn glam rock band around here. It   playing big arenas or even small clubs like   details visit:
  you trying to reach out to KISS fans with   was funny to see our first concert - the   Gazarri’s, Whiskey A Go Go...
  the direction of the new            place was packed, there were like 300   Brian: 80’s rock is really making a
  release?                            people waiting to see us, and the place  comeback do you feel right now is the
  Criss: Yeah, I’d say not only “Green Lights  could only hold around 200 people! We   perfect time to release VIP and why?
  Go” but some other stuff on the     could barely play the songs, but the   Criss: Honestly, I don’t see a big 80’s rock
  album has that Kiss vibe you’re talking   audience and the band itself were more   comeback, no matter what people
  about - just listen to “Tits &      interested in showing off than playing....   say. I think that releasing “VIP” now is more
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