Page 15 - ISSUE 12
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this but I feel the world needs $40.00 for the import disc, is there anything
that good vibe again of happy different from the import to the US release
rock songs to get us out of this that’s coming in March?
depression, and FAITHFULL Sergio: Who bought the European version
has that happiness on its in the past will have now “Cast Out The
genes to share. We propose Rain” as a bonus track in the US edition.
ourselves to spread
that DNA in a safe
way (through music)
since there’s no sex
Brian: Doing a
search on the net I
found some quotes
from different sites
about Light This
City.#1 Great AOR/
hard rock similar to
Danger Danger’s
first 2 albums
#2 What a great
sound. This is one
the best debut from
2004 #3 Excellent
debut album from
this new Portuguese
band # 4 This is a
must have. If you
like Aviator and early
Bon Jovi then you’ll
love this. These are
just a couple. Are
you happy that it’s
being release in the US? Those who bought the Japanese version
Sergio: Speaking of genes, will have “Please”. There are also some
those were the bands that are changes in the booklet art work.
part of FAITHFULL’s geneal- Brian: Is Faithfull working on new studio
ogy. In FAITHFULL’s musical material at this point?
family tree you find those and Sergio: Yes, we are already composing
much more bands that we’re new songs that we hope to record still dur-
proud of listening to it and ing the present year. I’m sure the fans who
being influenced since we liked “Light This City” and “Horizons” will
FAITHFULL Interview with Sergio we hope to become welcome Brian: RockNation would like to thank you
love our next album.
were young. US fans treated
our “ancestors” very well so
for your time and congrats on the upcoming
CD Light This City on Perris records.
By Brian Rademacher
Brian: With American fans
RockNation a loooooooong future.
paying premium prices up to Sergio: I would like to thank you and wish
Brian: You are about to re-release “Light release? Sergio: Releasing “Light This City”
This City” which was originally released in the US was always our intention but it
on Vinny records in 2003 and was a big didn’t depend on us, so when we got a con-
success reaching album of the month in the tract with Perris for “Horizons” that opened
Japanese magazine Burrn and was placed doors for future releases, even when we’re
at # 11 on the Japanese heavy metal talking about a past album. In any case, for
music charts. Now the CD was released in someone who’ve never listened to it, “Light
Europe and Japan but not the US. Is that This City” is like a new work and it’s on
a disappointment to you that US fans were the same line of “Horizons”. Brian: Was it
deprived of that release, especially being your suggestion to Tom Mathers president
so successful? Sergio: Yes, we’ve always of Perris to re-release Light This City to us
wanted “Light This City” to reach the US fans or did you suggest that to him?
Sergio: When we first sent the
package to Tom Mathers with
“Horizons” demo which led to
a record deal, we’ve included
“Light This City” and he loved
it, so I guess his decision of re-
releasing started cooking in his
mind then. He just waited for the
right time.
Brian: What’s nice about the
upcoming re-release is that
American fans will enjoy the
two bonus tracks “Please” and
“Cast Out The Rain” that were
only available to Europe and
Japan. That’s an unheard move
on Perris’s part; do you know
how that worked out? Sergio:
We suggested that to Perris and
it was accepted. I’m sure the
American fans will love it and I
already can hear “Please” play-
ing in the radio stations there. I
bet on this!
Brian: Faithfull really has a style
because we know there’s still a lot of hard/ of the latter day Bon Jovi. The songs have
melodic rock fans there, but unfortunately great hooks with AOR tunes written all
Vinny didn’t have a good distribution in that over. Plus the band has the look and I’m
country. Now we’re very happy and hope pretty sure there hasn’t been a band com-
to conquer those rockers. Brian: Perris ing out of Portugal that has cracked the US
records released your next CD Horizon in market. What would it mean to you being
2008 that got some pretty good reviews, the first Portuguese and garnering success
was it in the back of your mind to get “Light in the US? Sergio: That would be a dream
This City” to the US fans after that Horizon coming true. I think I’m suspicious to say