Page 11 - ISSUE 12
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we went to write the
album we told him he
had to sharpen up on
his P-Roach groove
and learn all the songs
because it’s all about
groove, and then let’s TV
see how you come
out. We ran into him
two months later and
he had the groove
mastered so now we Rocknation TV is a weekly 30 minute music video
had to combine the program airing weekly in many cities nationwide.
groove with his natural Watch ROCKNATION TV online at
style and see where
we could go. He took Featuring videos from HALFORD, HELIX,
charge on this record BABYLON A.D., JETBOY, ROXX GANG, LIZHARD,
and it was cool, it was
exciting to see him lay CHERRY STREET, MAD MARGRITT, COLD STEEL,
Mary: Because I’ve Also cameos appearances of members of KISS,
and always marvel at
your level of energy, New TV segments for 2009 include:
I have to know what it minutes just playing around with it, jam-
is you do to prepare yourself before hitting ming. That’s the beauty of music, it’s a to- ROCKNATION ROADTRIP BANDS
the stage? tal cliché but it’s a gift that keeps on giving.
Jacoby: I drink a couple Red Bulls, but I As long as you let it sink through you, you’ll Featuring new talent worldwide
could go up there without Red Bull and still be alright. For us, that’s the deal, I’ve
snap off the hinges, that’s just an added got a hard on for it right now, straight up.
bonus - I’ve got a lot of energy regardless. Mary: How did you become involved in the EXCLUSIVE TV INTERVIEWS WITH:
For me, it comes from within. Some nights Cruefest tour over the summer and what
I’m more insane than others but I’m always did you take away from it?
snappin’ and going off, the band is too. Jacoby: We were in the Paramour writing
That’s the thing about watching us live, the record and our manager called us up
that I’ve heard from fans is that they could and asked us if we wanted a slot on the
watch any one of us all set and be enter- tour. We asked him who was on the tour
tained. We each lay it down and fire on and he said Buckcherry, Sixx:A.M., Motley
all cylinders. We want to wear people out Crue and before he even finished we said
when they come to see us live. OF COURSE we want to be on that tour,
Mary: You’ve mentioned in a previous that tour is badass. The tour was every-
interview that one thing that sets you thing it was cracked up to be, it was a great
apart is that you’re not jaded and that cre- one for us and we made a lot of new fans
ating music is still exciting for you. Since along the way. We gained respect from our
you’ve been at it for quite some time, how peers and made friends with Motley Crue
do you keep from getting jaded consider- which was killer.
ing that there is a business element to the Mary: You’ve already stated that you think
industry that you’re in? this is your best album to date. How do
Jacoby: The thing is, and this sounds you measure success, for you personally
kind of crazy but David Bowie said it best already successful to me. I’ve been riding JUDAS PRIEST
and for the band as a whole?
“I had to become a better business man Jacoby: I already measured it. It’s
to become a better artist.” That’s a fact. I
had to get everything in line so I don’t have around town for the last month listening to
to worry about the business side. The our new album and it makes me feel alive
business handles itself and it’s great. I and it makes me feel part of the world, it’s
don’t have to stress out about that and lose everything to me. Record sales are going
focus creating music. Fortunately this time to be what they are but I know that we put
everything in our lives into this and so how
could I go wrong. I bought the ticket, let’s
take the f**king ride.
All live photos by: Mary Ouellette
plus NAMM 2009 interview footage at ERNIE BALL booth
Bands now submit your videos for possible airplay. All details at
website. Every city hosting a TV show has a separte myspace site
everything was in line so all I had to do was with all shows details and updates for that city. If you live in any of
go make a kick ass rock record that was these cities please become a friend there. You can find all the
my complete focus. When one of the guys myspace pages at the main Rocknation site at:
in the band comes in and plays a groove,
it gets me off. We’ll sit there for twenty