Page 12 - ISSUE 21
P. 12
(continued from page 11) Europe, there isn’t going to be much time for anything else
Rocknation: Please name of influences of other bands except my teaching when I get home. One of the
that help create your music. projects I’ve been working on is to put together an
Brian: Helix is influenced by many bands-AC/DC, E Learning site that explains the Bel Canto technique of
Aerosmith, The Stones, Alice Cooper, etc. You can hear singing which I teach. Bel Canto originated in the 1600’s
those influences in our music. But we’re also influenced but is largely a mysterious and misunderstood technique.
by who we happen to be with or listening to at the time. My instructor, Ed Johnson, was probably the first person to
For instance, Sean toured the world throughout 2013 ever develop a palatable way to teach it, and of the students
with Nelly Furtado, hardly a hard rock act. However, in he “allowed” to be teachers I was the only one he
“The Bitch is a Bullet” from the new CD we used a recommended. I studied for over 30 years to learn it and
guitar idea he picked up from playing Nelly’s material. I want to put it down in a course so that it won’t be lost to
Rocknation: What is some of the music you listen to future generations, as it is the only way to sing without
now? putting tension on the vocal cords, the primary reason why
Brian: I listen to a variety of music. I love Kid Rock, singers develop sore throats. Tension is also the great
Amy Winehouse, and Slash for instance. But I’ve also limitator when it comes to singers.
got CDs by the Black Eyed Peas and occasionally I take Rocknation: Thank you for taking time for this interview
a trip down memory lane and pull out the first Montrose and last words to the fans?
album. It depends... Brian: Last words to fans: Pick up the new CD. It’s the
Rocknation: What other plans do you have for 2014? best thing we’ve ever put out and if you do you’ll help
Brian: With the new CD and dates in North America and keep the band going for years to come.
For fans of
For more information visit: AC/DC, Aerosmith & Alice Cooper.
HELIX “Bastard Of The Blues”