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   WARNOT                                                                  into the theatrical songs, and           ROCKNATION ISSUE 21

                                                                           gives the album diversity.
                                                                           Rocknation:Who designed your
                                                                           CD cover?
                                                                           Bjorn: The fantastic artwork was
                                                                           penned by the well-known Mattias
                          Interview by Tom Mathers                         Norén Sweden. Love it all! The
                                                                           booklet, the CD print.yeah, it all!
    Rocknation: Hello Bjorn and welcome to Rocknation. You released        Rocknation: Did any of the press
    WARNOT “His Blood is Yours” on Nightmare Records. How was your         reviews compare some of the
    writing and recording process for this release compared to working in   songs to Cloudscape style or
    Cloudscape?                                                            sound?
    Bjorn: Thanks for your interest in the WARNOT debut album “His Blood   Bjorn: Yes, some of the the re-
    Is Yours” First...I had the luxury to work without stress and deadlines,   views compared WARNOT and
    and a really strong vision to create something special. I started with the   CLOUDSCAPE. And what most
    writing around 2009-2010 and continued the writing until I was satisfied   of them pointed out was that
    with 17-18 demo songs. Then I took a break for a month and after that   WARNOT is a lot darker sound-
    with fresh ears I picked the 12 songs that ended up on the album. With-  ing. Here is one review example:
                                      out any contract signed, I Recorded
                                      the 12 songs in my own studio in     (If you are looking for something
                                      Helsingborg. When I was writing      different to add to your metal collection, then look no further.  WARNOT
                                      for CLOUDSCAPE I sometimes           is definitely worth taking some time to check out. Their blend of pro-
                                      changed the style and the            gressive, theatrical, gothic metal and other metal styles makes them
                                      instrumentation to fit the band.     unique.) Source:
                                      Rocknation: Please name of music     music_reviews_august2013.html
                                      influences of other bands that help   Rocknation: What plans do you have for 2014?
                                      create your music for WARNOT.        Bjorn:  I will continue my recordings, that’s for sure. This time there will
                                      Bjorn: In no particular order I would   be some new awesome vocalists and musicians aboard. Ex.. Anette
                                      say: Van Halen-Van Halen,            Johansson-SHIVA, Nina Åkerlund- DAN HYLANDER BAND, Hans Pers-
                                      Dream Theater-Images and Words,      son- Ex.CLOUDSCAPE and Carl Malmqvist-SCANDAL CIRCUS.
                                      Sting-Fields of Gold, Symphony X-
                                      Divine Wings Of Tragedy,             Rocknation: Thank you for taking time for this interview and last words
                                      Queen-Greatest Hits I II III.        to the fans.
                                      Rocknation: Why did you decide to    Bjorn: Thanks to you all!  I would like to wish everybody a great, creative
                                      use seven vocalists instead of one   and healthy 2014. If you would like to get updates regarding Warnot, you
                                      for this release?                    could visit at:
                                      Bjorn: Because I think it fits right   Hope to hear from you again! Best Regards, Bjorn Eliasson-WARNOT

   SCELERATA                                                               being on tour as Paul DiAnno’s backing band in Brazil?

                                                                           Scelerata: Being Paul’s backing band means a lot to us, it is just very flattering. Paul is a
                                                                           living legend, and to have the honor to play all these great metal anthems with the one
                                                                           every time we are there with Paul. He is a great guy, knows exactly how he wants the band
                          Interview by Tom Mathers                         person that recorded the originals is a blast. We put our hearts on stage and do our best
                                                                           to play and is great to be around. Actually, in three days from now we will be boarding a
   Rocknation: Your band name is very original what does SCELERATA stand for?  rock cruise here in Brazil with Paul. We will be playing the Motorcycle Rock Cruise, with a
   Scelerata:  Thank you very much! We chose this name because phonetically it sounds very   Scelerata full concert as well.
   similar  to ‘accelerated’ in the Portuguese language, which is our native tongue here in   Rocknation: You live in Brazil. What is the music scene like there?
   Brazil. Later on we found out that it actually has a meaning in Italian and in Latin, mean-  Scelerata: Well, to be honest, you wouldn’t want to listen to what music is popular here in
   ing something like ‘criminal’ or ‘bad guy’. Also, according to an ancient Roman legend,   Brazil right now, believe me. It just sucks big time, makes us want to cut our wrists. But in the
   Scelerata was a name of a portal, and whoever crossed it would have its fate written and   metal field Brazil is living right now a great moment. There are plenty of amazing bands in all
   doomed.                                                                 kinds of metal. I could easily spell out at least 10 great bands at the top of my head. I even
   Rocknation: You have some music heavy weights Andi Deris (Helloween) and Paul DiAnno   heard and read people talking about a NWOBHM (New Wave of BRAZILIAN Heavy Metal), and
   (ex-Iron Maiden) on your new CD tell us about how that happened.        I must say it kind of does make sense. In the other hand, there is no support whatsoever.
   Scelerata: Scelerata is Paul DiAnno’s backing band here is Brazil, so we already were great   There is no serious management, no booking agencies, no metal in the media, it’s just not
   friends with him for a few years. In one of our past tours we invited him to record some   popular at all, even though the ‘underground’ scene is pretty strong. The bands all work as
   vocals and he, very kindly, agreed right away. We wanted him to write as well, because, as   independent bands, having to work very hard to make things happen, and that applies to all
   you all know, he is an extremely talented, creative and gifted musician. He wrote a part of   bands, not just the ‘underground’ ones. Even the metalheads rather spend their money on
   the lyrics for In My Blood and the melody he sings. And there is a smaller part in Rising Sun   foreign bands instead of supporting the local scene. However, amazingly the scene keeps
   that he also sings. Andi Deris’ appearance is thanks to Charlie Bauerfeind, the producer of   growing, there are some young lads making very fine music over here.
   the album. We sent Charlie our demos and he showed our music to Andi Deris. Andi really   Rocknation: What plans do you have for 2014?
   liked our singer and  made himself available to write a song for the band. Of course we   Scelerata: Our plan is to work on new stuff. We had a very tough past couple of years and
   agreed with that, and so he sent us this  amazing song called Must Be Dreaming. It is one of   now things seem to be finally calming down. So this seems to be the year to write new songs,
   the highlights of the album, so we are very thankful to Andi.           start doing the demos and see if we can record this year and put out something new in early
   Rocknation: This is your 3rd album how did the writing and recording differ from your last   2015.
   albums?                                                                 Rocknation: Thank you for taking time for this interview and last words to the fans.
   Scelerata: The main difference is that we worked with an outside producer this time. Charlie   Scelerata: Scelerata is very thankful to Rocknation Magazine! It’s great to have the chance to
   Bauerfeind is one of the major European metal producers, working with bands such as   talk about the band to
                                                 Helloween, Blind Guardian,   our North American
                                                  Motörhead, Saxon,        friends! You can
                                                  Hammerfall, Halford, Axel   check out our stuff
                                                  Rudi Pell and many others.   on our internet chan-
                                                  We sent him the demos,   nels, like YouTube,
                                                  he sent us many ideas for
                                                  arrangements, and he mixed   Facebook, Sound-
                                                                           Cloud and buy our
                                                  and mastered the album.
                                                  The drums were recorded in   stuff! Nightmare
                                                  Germany in Blind Guardian’s   Records is doing a
                                                  Twilight Hall Studios under   hell of a great job
                                                  Charlie’s production. I can   with us in North
                                                  say this all made a great   America, so it’s very
                                                  difference on how great and   easy to find our
                                                  big the album sounds.    albums! A big HELL
                                                  What moments stand out   YEAAAH! to every-
                                                                           one out there!
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