Page 19 - ISSUE 21
P. 19
PETRO singer M.I.A was recording there.
Rocknation: What plans do you have for the new year coming up
in 2014? Trips overseas? More recorded music?
Bob: 2014 will be our best year yet, releasing a new film and a
book. We just finished a successful tour of Japan so we will be
going back, plus we just got offered a tour in China So Asia here
Interview by Tom Mathers we come.
Rocknation: Hello Bob Dee of PETRO and welcome to Rockna- Rocknation:
tion. Your track “Up All Night” is featured on the Perris sampler Thank you for
CD. That song has a hit chorus, what inspired the writing of that taking time for
song? this interview
Bob: Awesome! Thank you, it is an honor to be on the Perris and last words
sampler. We needed a set closer for our live shows, and it was to the fans?
one of those riffs that just popped out, with having no sleep and Bob: Thank
a little to much partying on our recent tour, the chorus “Up All you, Tom it is
Night” was born. always a plea-
Rocknation: Brian Bauers played bass, keys, backing vocals sure to be part
and engineered this track. Is this the first time working with this of Perris and
multi talented person? RockNation,
Bob: Brian has been with me from the start, we just have a great You Rock! A
chemistry working together and he always seems to know what big Thank you
I am looking for sound wise. We are releasing a new film docu- to all our Japa-
mentary about the recording process of our new CD “The Mak- nese fans that
ing of Burning Rain” it features Brian and I, in the studio record- gave us a warm
ing from start to finish and bonus live footage. welcome and
Rocknation: You recorded this track at Williamsburg, Brooklyn. an encore on
This studio has had many stars record there, can you name a cold winters
some of them? Saturday Night!
Bob: The studio has a real cool vibe and Eric Greedy mixed the We will be back
Single “Lips That Heal” he has recorded with Kelly Clarkson, touring around
Smashing Pumpkins, Destiny’s Child. We also switched over to the world next
Whitewater Studios, Brooklyn to record remaining tracks and the year!!
“Burning Rain”
For more info: