Page 10 - ISSUE 14
P. 10
CREED went to Nashville for four or five doing a full Creed record, he
weeks and the four of us just got mentioned Howard’s name. Ob-
in a room and started working on viously his track record speaks
for itself – he’s worked with a
some ideas.
things that come to mind is was ent types of genres. I mean, he’s
CREED LIVE, the first-ever live DVD from the multi-platinum Rocknation: One of the first multitude of bands in all differ-
power rockers, made the news of this Guinness World Record- the chemistry still there with worked with everybody from
breaking, state-of-the-art recording doubly interesting is that Creed this time around? Kelly Clarkson to Sepultura. So
while capturing the band’s recent “Full Circle” reunion tour. Scott: Yes it was. I think musi- he seemed like a good fit for us,
ALTER BRIDGE: LIVE FROM AMSTERDAM, the new debut DVD cally, we felt the chemistry was and was great to work with.
from the band that rose from the ashes of Creed following their there right off the bat. There Rocknation: What made the
breakup (and still shares three of its members), fronted by in- wasn’t much time need to get band decide to record Full Circle
demand vocalist Myles Kennedy (who’ll be appearing on Slash’s back into the swing of things. I in Nashville, Tennessee?
new solo album). LIVE FROM AMSTERDAM vaulted to No. 1 on think on a friendship level as Scott: We actually wrote it in
Amazon upon arrival, and is getting great reviews, including four well, it was Nashville, Ten-
stars from Guitar Edge, praising the band for putting on “the very similar nessee, but we
show of their lives.” These DVDs are the first two releases from to that. We recorded it in
DC3 Music Group, LLC, the new multi-media company special- had been Los Angeles.
izing in exclusive live concerts and behind-the-scenes content apart for a We did not
from multi-platinum artists to be distributed through multiple while. There record in Nash-
distribution channels, including the latest mobile and digital had been ville. Nashville
technology through its new website things said was a place we
by both
had worked as
Interview with Scott Phillips - By Tom Mathers sides that Alter Bridge.
Rocknation: Hi Scott Welcome dam, Holland. That’s actually the would make That’s where
Interview with Duff McKagan
to Rocknation. first time we worked with Dan you think we recorded
Scott: Thank you very much. Catullo. We had about five or that a re- or Blackbird
By: Jeffrey Easton
Thanks for having me. six thousand people at the show. union would album. Had a
Rocknation: Scott I would like I’m really happy with the way it never hap- great experi-
to start by announcing that turned out. We’re a little disap- pen. Once ence there.
CREED’s Full Circle made it in pointed that we have not been we sort of We just sort of
the ROCKNATION TOP 10 HARD able to get it out before now, but got around and sat down I think wanted to find a place where we
ROCK CD PICKS OF 2009 along the package is out and available we realized that there was still a could get away from not neces-
with Chickenfoot, Papa Roach, so our fans have an opportunity lot of chemistry there both pro- sarily distractions, but a place
Kiss, Dynazty and Helix. to check it out. fessionally and personally. where we could just hall up and
Scott: That’s fantastic. We are Rocknation: How did the band Rocknation: What factors made focus and not have friends call-
very honored to be a part of that work on the writing songs for the band decide to work with ing us every 10 minutes to go
and among such and elite crowd Full Circle? Howard Bensen as the produc- out and do something. We just
of bands. Scott: We did most of the writ- er? needed a place where the four of
Rocknation: I would like to say ing in Nashville, Tennessee. We Scott: Scott [Stapp] had actually us could concentrate on what we
congrats on Creed’s first live initially started working at Scott recommended Howard. From needed to do.
DVD. Can you tell us a little Stapp’s house, he lives in South one of our earlier meetings, Rocknation: On Creed’s reunion
about that DVD? Florida. After a couple of weeks Scott was working on some of tour what shows stood out the
Scott: We shot that DVD in we decided we would be more his solo stuff and had talked with most for you?
Houston, Texas in September. productive if we moved into a Howard Bensen, looking into him Scott: Certainly the first one,
We did it in front of a crowd of different area where we could for producing his solo material. which was Pittsburgh. Just the
about 15,000. We sort of part- really sit down and focus. So we Once we started talking about fact that we hadn’t shared the
nered up with Dan Catullo who stage in
is the director of that DVD and front of an
a DVD we previously worked on audience
as well as Alter Bridge. He had in almost
the idea of breaking as many seven years
Guinness Book of World Re- – that was
cords as we could – the biggest certainly a
one I believe was for the most big show for
cameras use in a live music us. Hous-
DVD. We ended up with 239 ton, with the
cameras. The previous record DVD shoot
I believe was held by Justin was obvi-
Timerlake with 39 or 42 cam- ously a big
eras so we certainly covered show. Hon-
that. We used, in addition to live estly all of
cameras, still cameras – like you them were
see in The Matrix. They shot pretty amaz-
The Matrix with stills where you ing. It was
can sort of freeze time and spin nice to go
around. That was the technol- back and
ogy we used in our DVD. see some of
Rocknation: Since we are the faces we
on the subject of DVDs, Alter remembered
Bridge also released its first from 2000,
DVD - Live at Amsterdamn. Can the last
you tell us about that DVD? time that we
Scott: We shot that about a year toured, that
ago, December 2008, in Amster- we haven’t