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18 months in advance, ours is only tell us some highlights from that festival
every few of weeks we find out what in Columbus Ohio?
we are doing next, and we’re just Shim: Yeah, the highlight was that the
gonna keep going. So in terms of track coming up at the beginning of the
writing, we’re not really prepared set was “War,” the first track off Tri-
to do that until we finish with this Polar, and we released it like a few
record. weeks earlier. We didn’t know if any-
Rocknation: You wrote over a 100 one was going to care about us coming
songs for this record, to capture the back. We hadn’t released the record; it
bigger festival sound. Will you do wasn’t really on the radio, and everyone
the same on the next one? in the crowd knew the words to the song
Shim: I have no idea. I
wish I could answer that,
but I think that the record
we thought we would
make at the beginning
does not sound like Tri-
Polar. So, if I answered
that now, it would not be
true in 18 months when
we get around to doing
thing. Everything I would
say would just be a big
fat lie.
Rocknation: Your “Free
Hugs” video inspired
hundreds of other Free
Hugs videos and move-
ments across the globe.
Have you had any time to
film or do any other
positive acts like that? already. That was really the highlight
Shim: No. It’s not through a lack of because it made us feel like we weren’t
initiative, but we haven’t had a lot falling off the radar just because we’ve
of time because we’ve been on the been in the studio for months. We were
road pretty much since that video still going to be okay releasing the
got released. We have a lot of fans second record.
that help us out with that stuff. I Rocknation: Well to wrap this up I
made a live video for “Pitiful” out of would like to thank you for taking time
video footage. But nothing that’s out for this interview. Is there any advice
like the “Free Hugs” thing. you can give other bands down under
Rocknation: Since you relocated about the music business?
to LA what are the things you like Shim: Thinking outside the box is what
about it and hate about it? put us on the map. Basically just come
Shim: Easy. I like the Mexican food up with an idea; just don’t worry about
and I hate the air. the guidelines. Don’t worry about get-
Rocknation: I met you at this years ting a traditional record deal. That isn’t
Rock On The Range festival and we the only way. There’s a million ways to
Interview with Shimon Moore could do “Cry for Help.” They didn’t did a TV interview with you. Can you skin a cat!
by Tom Mathers have in the set up. It was my favorite
song, and they said, “Well, we’ll just put
it in.” So they put it in and for the whole - 770 W. Northland Avenue Appleton, WI
Rocknation: Hi Shim welcome to second half of the tour I was doing - 423 Dousman Street Green Bay, WI
Rocknation. I would like to start with that song on stage. It was a lot of fun, - 5026 S. 74th Street Greenfield, WI
thanking Jules at EMI for overnighting because I play guitar in the band, we’re - 1259 Milton Avenue Janesville, WI
me your CD so I would get it on Friday a three piece, and I never get to do the
to review it over the weekend. All I can whole like holding the microphone and - 508 State Street Madison, WI
say is I’m blown away by this CD. I singing. I live vicariously thorough that - 1669 N. Farwell Milwaukee, WI
will be announcing Tri-Polar as one of band which was the highlight for me. - 318 N. Main Street Oshkosh, WI
ROCKNATION’S TOP 10 HARD ROCK Rocknation: You have mentioned Red - 144 N. Main Street West Bend, WI
PICKS OF 2009. Hot Chili Peppers as one of your influ-
Shim: That is rad! ences. What current bands if any, are
Rocknation: You just finished a tour you listening to?
down under with Nickleback. Can you Shim: I listen currently to a band called
tell us some highlights from that tour? Resident Hero. They’re a band we
Shim: The first highlight was the fact toured with at the very beginning and
that by doing that tour we secured they were an excellent band when we ROCKNATION
the North American tour through April toured with them. They just released TOP 10
which was massive for us. The second their record independently and I’ve got
highlight was getting knives thrown at a copy of it a few weeks ago and it’s HARD ROCK PICK
me by Chad [Kroeger]. He was throwing absolutely f##king great. That’s what OF 2009
kitchen knives. He kept asking his tour I’ve been listening to. The new Breaking
manager if he would stand in front of Benjamin record is cool; the 30 Seconds Featuring Jason McMaster
the door and his tour manager wouldn’t to Mars record is cool, but in terms of (Dangerous Toys)
but I was. So I stood in front of the door what I’m really listening to a lot is this
and he threw the knife at the corner be- little band called Resident Hero.
tween my head and my shoulder twice, [] “Tri-Polar” CD “Viva La Rock, Fantastico” CD
and then the other guys told him to stop Rocknation: Have you picked the song
because they were afraid of lawsuit. that you will use to shoot the next
Rocknation: What were some of the video? more titles available now
highlights from the Shinedown tour in Shim: Yeah we did the shoot for the
the USA? “Odd One” about a week and half ago
Shim: The Shinedown, yeah, there when we were in LA. We landed, we
was knife throwing. No, I’m kidding. had a day to do wardrobe and check
The Shinedown tour was probably our everything, look at the location. Then
favorite tour that we’ve ever done, ever. the next day we shot it. The next day we
Shinedown had been on the road and had Thanksgiving, and the next day we
had been through a lot of stuff and they went on tour. “Odd One” is one of our
really made it a big effort to make it a favorite songs off the record so we are
family style oriented tour where every- pretty stoked.
one was just hanging out. We’d ride to Rocknation: Have you planned out Cherry St. Danger Angel Phantom-X Worlds Apart
shows on each other’s buses and stuff when you will start the next record? Monroe & X Rated “S/t” “Clean Slate”
like that. That was really cool for me Shim: We don’t really have any plans “This Is War”
For fans of
because I’m a big fan of the band and a for that stuff. We didn’t have any plans 2 CD set For For fans of Bon For Fans of Dokken, Europe
big fan of Brent’s voice. He invited me for the last one. We just start on tour fans of AC/DC, Jovi & Europe. JUDAS PRIEST & Lynch Mob.
up on stage to sing one of my favorite and we just make sure that we have Buckcherry. CD mastered by
songs, “The Sound of Madness.” Like enough energy to do the shows every Feat. Bulletboys Guest vocals by and IRON Anthony Focx
on the first day he said, “If you want to night and get through touring. Our & Roxx Gang Jeff Scott Soto MAIDEN. (AC/DC & Ace Frehley)
get up and sign with me, I love doing touring does not get booked like -- like singers
that with bands.” So I asked him if we Nickelback probably books their tour