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PAGE 4                                                                                                         ROCKNATION ISSUE 14
   Interview with Jason McMaster      “Your Final Gig”. Supposedly,      You all need to check out www.      with the welcoming of our new
           by Tom Mathers             Bernie was hanging out with Bon and watch his          record, but it’s all gonna take us
                                      the night before his tragic death  videos on YouTube.  It’s super      as far as our gas tank will allow.
  Rocknation: Broken Teeth was        in 1980.                           high energy fun rock in the likes   So we are working hard to get
                                      Rocknation: Broken Teeth just
  formed in 1999 and released        Interview with James Christian      of Kiss, AC/DC, Motorhead, and
  their debut “Self Titled” CD on     rocked out on the Shiprocked       Thin Lizzy with an old punk rock    out there to the people that make
                                          by Brian Rademacher
  Perris Records. How do you feel  2009 cruise.  Any stories you can     attitude.  It’s really fresh.  I went   us want to do this - the real rock
  the band has grown since then? fill us in on?                                                              fans, not ones who just listen
  Jason:  A lot can change in ten     Jason:  That cruise could very     and saw Danko play with Tur-        to whatever they’re spoonfed.
  years, but if you are palying this  well save rock n’ roll with the    bonegro in Austin at Emos and I     Throw the horns people, it’s time
  kind of straight ahead rock, it’s   climate and economic crush that  was blown away.  I met him after      for “Viva La Rock, Fantastico!”
  a theme that doesn’t fray very      is affecting the world.  It’s affect- his set, gave him some CDs,
  much.  A couple of minor set-       ing music buyers, concert goers,  and stayed in touch.  When
  backs, but we’ve overcome.  The  etc. This thing can be your vaca-     we were tracking vocals
  strength of how much we believe  tion and your rock festival tick-     on the new record, I was in
  in this has conquered all.  It is   ets for the year all in one.  It was   touch with Danko regularly.
  appreciated by true rock fans       incredible in the way that fans
  and they “get it” after hearing     can be on tour with their favorite   I just asked him if he would
  the first song. Whatever song       artists, buy merchandise, swim     do some vocals and he said,
  it is, doesn’t matter.  That right   with dolphins, see Queensryche,  “Yes, the sooner the better,”
  there is what drives us and has     Ratt, Skid Row, and Tesla and      since he was about to start a
  kept us going and growing into a  a bunch of up and comers, and        tour with Saxon and Motor-
  better, tighter band.               see Jamaica all in one.  The info  head in Europe.  He sings on
  Rocknation:  What influences        is at       the title track, and another
  have inspired the writing on this  Everyone should check it out.  A    tune called “Big Spender.”
  new release Viva La Rock, Fan-      lot of the bands would do improv   It’s awesome.
  tastico?                            jams.  The school of rock kids
   Jason:  The writing in Broken      were there, and they had Tesla     Rocknation:  What shows and
  Teeth has always been a “wear       and Queensryche members on         tours are lined up for 2010?
  your influence on your sleeve”      stage with them.  It was great.    Jason:  Broken Teeth has
  type of thing. We’re not afraid     The best part of the whole thing  an extended family in the
  to be blatant about what we’re      is that rock n’ roll is the com-   midwestern states – Texas,
  going for as far as timber and      mon denominator here, bringing     of course, Missouri, Indiana,
  sound of a song.  A certain grind  people from all over the world      Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois,
  has to be there.  There are only    to be on this ship, rockin’ out as   thru Ohio and Pennsylvania.
  a few different grooves we write  one.  That’s the best.
  to.  The title track was spawned  Rocknation:  You have been           We have been touring thru
  from an idea I got after breaking  asked to sit in on a taping of      there for years.  We plan on
  out my Trust records.  Trust is a  VH1’s That Metal Show.  Please      hitting those spots more than
  French rock band, in the under-     tell us any details about that?    once this year.  Also, we are
  ground rock and metal scene.        Jason:  I have been asked by       on the Shiprocked cruise
  They made their mark and had        those dudes, who are big Broken    again in November 2010.  We
  one of their songs covered by       Teeth fans, to sit in on a taping   hope to extend all of this
  Anthrax on Antisocial.   Also, my  of the show, to plug the new
  old band Watchtower covered         record, and hang out a bit.  As
  Trust’s “Repression” song.  The  soon as I can get the calendar
  singer for Trust sings mostly in    set, I will fly into New York and                         - 7830 Macy Plaza Dr., Citrus Heights
  French, but he made a record in  make it happen.  As soon as it                               - 2433 Arden Way, Sacramento
  English called Savage.  His name  gets scheduled, I will blitz a roar-
  is Bernie.  His delivery, since he  ing press release telling all about                       - 313 E Bidwell St., Folsom
  has an outrageous accent when  it and when it is.                                             - 1701 Santo Clara Dr., Roseville
  he sings in English, is so cool     Rocknation:  How did you hook
  sounding.  It has its own sound     DANKO JONES up on recording                               - 9692 Elk Grove-Florin Rd., Elk Grove
  and thing to it.  I wanted to write  vocals on “Viva La Rock, Fantas-                         - 212 F Street, Davis
  something that had his cadence  tico!” and “Big Spender”?
  and strange delivery.  The clos-    Jason:   A friend of mine, Aly-
  est thing I could come up with      son Murray, in Scotland sent
  that sounded cool and fun, and      me some music years ago.
  even bastardized the whole          She sent me the Darkness and
  language thing, was “Viva La        Danko Jones.  She may have
  Rock, Fantastico!” which is just  sent me other stuff, but those                               ROCKNATION
  a shout along I came up with cel- were memorable.  The Dark-                                      TOP 10
  ebrating rock n’ roll.  Make note  ness I couldn’t sit thru the first                         HARD ROCK PICK
  that Trust were great friends       song, but when I put Danko in I                              OF 2009
  with the AC/DC camp, and have       couldn’t stop listening to it, its
  a song about Bon Scott called       incredible old school rock n’ roll.                                       Featuring Jason McMaster
                                                                                                                     (Dangerous Toys)
                                                                               “Metamorphosis” CD             “Viva La Rock, Fantastico” CD

                                                                           more titles available now

                                                                              Cherry St.    Danger Angel       Phantom-X        Worlds Apart
                                                                           Monroe & X Rated      “S/t”          “This Is War”     “Clean Slate”
                                                                              2 CD set For   For fans of Bon     For Fans of      For fans of
                                                                             fans of AC/DC,                                     Dokken, Europe
                                                                              Buckcherry.    Jovi & Europe.    JUDAS PRIEST      & Lynch Mob.
                                                                            Feat. Bulletboys  Guest vocals by    and IRON       CD mastered by
                                                                             & Roxx Gang     Jeff Scott Soto      MAIDEN.       Anthony Focx
                                                                                singers                                       (AC/DC & Ace Frehley)
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