Page 18 - ISSUE 14
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PAGE 18                                                                                                        ROCKNATION ISSUE 14
     Interview with Ethan Chionos     is included in the process. Some-  Europe (from the European aspect    not that active. Definitely not able
           by Tom Mathers             body brings the main idea, then we  of the genre) are definitely strong   enough to promote the good Greek
                                      all work on it in the studio. Ethan
                                                                         influences. More contemporary acts  bands in Europe or the USA. There-
  Rocknation: Jeff Scott Soto is a    does all the fine-tuning and when   as well like Hard-                                  fore, most bands
                                      the main structure is ready we all
  legendary vocalist who’s credits in-  Interview with James Christian   core Superstar,                                      end up quitting
  clude Y. Malmsteen, Axel Rudi Pell,  work on it live until we’re happy with  Buckcherry or                                  facing one disap-
                                          by Brian Rademacher
  Talisman & Journey and he appears  the result.                         even Nickelback                                      pointment after
  on your CD tell us how that was set  Rocknation: What national bands   and Hinder. But                                      another, or simply
  up.                                 have you played with?              you never know                                       stay active as lo-
  This was brought to us by our man- There are several Greek bands that  what one of the                                      cal heroes. As you
  ager. It was out of the blue so we   we’ve played with over the years.   guys will bring                                    can understand,
  jumped at the idea! It was so good   Bands close to our style like Wild   on the table. It                                  the prime material
  to be true, but it was after all! We   Machine or SexRated.            can be some-                                         is good and some
  decided to write a song especially   Rocknation: What show or tours do  thing totally dif-                                  of the musicians
  for him, so it took us a little while,   you have lined up?            ferent. We don’t                                     are world class
  but we made “Never Let You Go”      We only recently completed a       want to stick to                                     level, but the
  and we sent it to him to evaluate. He  Greece tour with Winger, last Oc-  a specific sound                                  circumstances do
  liked the song and the idea, so he   tober we did a thing with Dust ‘N   that much.                                         not help much. On
  decided to entrust us with his mag-  Bones and now we’re preparing for  Rocknation:                                         the other hand,
  nificent voice and now the song is   the official album presentation in   What is the mu-                                   whoever tried his
  in our new CD. We think it is a good  Athens along with Jeff Scott Soto   sic scene like in                                 luck abroad did
  song by itself but with Jeff’s vocals  who will fly over for a surprise gig!   Greece?                                      not miss and Gus
  on it, it is simply amazing!!!      After that we’re looking into touring  Things are dif-
  Rocknation: Where did you record    Greece and Europe to be back in    ficult in Greece.                                    G is a glorious ex-
  Jeff’s vocals at?                   time for the main summer events in  There and the                                       ample along with
  Jeff recorded the vocals in his own  Greece.                           fans are sup-                                        bands like Out-
  studio, using his own equipment.    Rocknation: What are your bands    portive, however,                                    loud and Firewind.
  He sent the files over to us and we   influences?                      rock music is                                        Rocknation: What
  completed the mixing and produc-    Everybody brings different things   not the main                                        can fans look for
  tion in our studio. Then the thing   into the band. In general we can   entertainment                                       from DANGER
  went back and forth until we were   safely say that we follow the 80s   value in Greece.                                    ANGEL in 2010?
  all absolutely                                            melodic      Even if the fan                                      We’ll try to gig as
  happy with                                                 scene. Just  base is strong,                                     much as possible
  it                                                         have in     the media do not                                     at as many places
  Rockna-                                                    mind that   support it since                                     as possible. We’re
  tion: What                                                 George, the  they are mostly                                     definitely going
  members do                                                 keyboards  connected with                                        to continue where
  most of the                                                player, is a  the local labels and the venues that  we left with the first album. Expect
  song writ-                                                 jazz pianist  you can go and watch your favor-  some new Danger Angel stuff pretty
  ing?                                                       really. How- ite band are limited, small and not   soon!
  Pretty much                                                ever bands  well equipped. The Greek labels     For more info:
  everybody                                                  like even   that support the scene are few and
                                                 ALICE COOPER


                                                             LILLIAN AXE

                                                               in Houston, TX
                                                          Photos by Tom Mathers
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