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ROCKNATION ISSUE 14                                                                                                            PAGE  21
                                      there that I felt like “Well, I could
                                      have done that better.”  I mean
                                      there was a few things but all in
                                      all I was really happy with that.
                                      So I think I enjoy really just learn-
                                      ing new things and trying to get
  (Continued from page 3)             better at what I do.  That would
  Rocknation:  Given all the projects   be a hard question to answer
  you’re a part of, which style of    right at this point, but probably
  music is most rewarding for you to   when I’m sitting and watching at
  make?                               the San Francisco Opera House
  Kip:  I would have to say, for any-  next month thinking “Wow, this is
  body that has heard my classical    really cool,” that will probably be
  stuff, I would say that that is proba-  the height at that point.
  bly the most rewarding at this point   Rocknation:  You live in
  because it’s been so long coming.    Nashville now which seems to be
  But, when I finished Karma I was    where a lot of musicians are end-
  really happy with it on all levels.  I   ing up.  Can you tell us about the
  felt that Karma was the one rock    music scene there and how it’s
  album where I nailed it on every    been beneficial to you?            ironically, in a country town for me   cool place for that.
  level, and there wasn’t anything in   Kip:  To be honest with you, I’m an
                                      outsider in Nashville.  I’ve lived here   to have come so for in the clas-  Rocknation:  We just rang in 2010,
                                       for seven years and I still consider   sical world is really what I would   what are you most looking forward
                                       myself an outsider because un-    say about that.  The other thing,   to this year?
                                       less you really are emerged in    the work ethic in Nashville, on all   Kip:  Oh, I don’t know.  I just go with
                                       country music, you’re not a part   levels – country musicians and writ- the flow.  The premier of the ballet
                                       of much of the scene here.  There   ers, is extremely high.  Higher than  is going to be huge for me, and our
                                       is a really heavy singer and song-  anywhere else in the world, I think.   European tour – summer gigs with
                                       writer thing, but I’ve traveled so   Also, there are more talented people  the band.  I’m looking forward to all
                                       much that I haven’t really engaged   per capita than anywhere else in the  of it.  I’m looking forward to writing
                                       myself in the scene.  So, I wouldn’t   world by far.  So, from that point of   some new music this year and con-
                                       really be the guy to ask.  But, I will   view, it’s a really cool town, because  necting with the fans.  It’s funny, we
                                       say studying with Michael Kurek   being a songwriter in this town is   go out on tour now and half the fans
                                       at Vanderbilt is singlehandedly   a really respected job.  In a lot of   are twenty years old.  So, the music
                                       the most cathartic, skill changing   towns, where I grew up, you were   seemingly has stood the test of time
                                       experience that I’ve ever had.  So,   kind of looked down upon if you   and I feel lucky to be doing it really.
                                                                         were a musician, but Nashville is a

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