Page 26 - ISSUE 14
P. 26
Riders” or came very easily. It’s dates in South America, Europe,
“Rise”. The band because we were all and Japan are in the works. Puerto
as a whole works on the same page Rico and Mexico are also in talks for
better together and I think it will be either 2010 or early 2011. We will be
(Continued from page 9) as a unit than the evident when people adding dates as they are confirmed
Rocknation: How do you compare previous lineup. hear the CD. We are to our websites
your new CD “This Is War” to your KEVIN: Glenn hit already working on &
last CD “Storm Riders”? the nail on the the next one! haha Rocknation: Thank you for taking
GLENN: “This Is War” to me is a head. “This Is Rocknation: What time for Rocknation.
much more fluid, flowing piece. War” came very tour plans are on the GLENN: Thank you so much for
The cd as a whole has the feel of naturally for us plate for 2010? your time. Rocknation is much re-
a concept disc, though it wasn’t all. With the pre- GLENN: Bill and Re- spected. CHEERS!
designed as such. The addition of vious recordings ece, as the new guys, REECE: Thank you for your time.
Reece Stanley’s style on drums it was almost are chomping at the BILL: Thanks ROCKNATION for
gave it a bigger, more epic feel than pulling teeth to bit to get it to the helping keep Metal alive!
“Storm Riders”. His chops maintain get the 4 pieces masses. Kevin and KEVIN: Long live ROCKNATION!
the hard hitting metal hugeness, but to align. Bill and I are always ready. JOIN USSS!!!!
adds a finesse lacking on previous Reece I honestly There’s
record- feel are major enthusi-
ings. our music asm in the P-X
Our new soul mates. camp this year.
guitar- They complete us. haha Seri- REECE: I’m very proud of this
ist Bill ously though, “This Is War” album and I’m excited to see
Engfer is so much more powerful where its going to take us.
brings and epic. Reece’s drums are BILL: I’m very excited about
MUCH like thunder. He does some the new album & all the tour
more of tom and cymbal work that dates and locations lined up for
a metal just amazes me everytime this year.. It’s all about the live
feel, as I hear the CD. Bill’s solos shows for me and it is a great
op- are inspired. They don’t feel feeling when you connect with a
posed contrived. This is the lineup crowd that feeds off your en-
to the that should have been there ergy. What a rush. I’m looking
blues/ from the beginning. For the forward to every gig.
metal first time, in PX history, the KEVIN: Aside from the plans
riffs on song writing and recording related to ROCK RACE, we are
“Storm doing some US Festivals. Tour