Page 24 - ISSUE 14
P. 24
by Tom Mathers
Tom: What has Randy Jensen came over to my house when we
Rhodes met to you for were working on my first signature gui-
influences? tar and saw all of these different suits of
MAB: Randy Rhoads Armour in my family room. I told him of
is one of my main in- my love of history and he came up with
fluences in Rock and a unique idea to combine things that I
Metal guitar. He was like and am interested in - Classic, fight-
able to combine great ing Armor and chain mail mixed with
riffs, great solos with NASCAR flames. Stephen called it the
a great on stage per- “Armorflame” and that is how the graph-
sona. I always loved ic came to be. No one to my knowledge
the song “You Can’t had done this combination before.
Kill Rock and Roll” so IMHO, it looks absolutely amazing. Chris
I covered it on this CD. C. from “Trans Siberian Orchestra” has
I also tried to play the used one of my signature guitars on the
solo in this version as last 2 tours. My signature Dean Guitars
well as all of the guitar series are in the top 3, best selling artist
solos on “HWS 2 - models. The other 2 are the Dimebag
Voices” with different series and Dave Mustaine series. Again,
phrasing than people I am very grateful for everything - for the
are normally used to success of the signature series.
hearing from me. I just Tom: What have some of the kids com-
tried to imagine that ing up to you say about being
Randy was watch- influenced by you?
ing. The question to MAB: Many of the stories I hear really
me was - would he make me feel glad that all of the hard
approve? I hope the work I have put into helping others has
answer is yes. come back to me - 10 times over. I feel
Tom: You are touring honored that I have been able to make
more doing guitar a positive contribution to the guitar
clinics than most community. One of the things that I have
major label bands all heard numerous times is that I am the
over the world, who reason someone started playing guitar
helps set that up? in the first place or the reason some-
MAB: A large part of one started playing guitar again. It is
my overall success humbling to hear that you have made
is the ability to tour a difference in someone’s life. That is
and draw people to something I will never, ever take for
the shows, whether granted.
they are clinics or Tom: Thank you Michael for taking time
concerts. That is out for Rocknation. Any last words for
why I invented the whats coming up in 2010.
“MAB Over-Under MAB: Thank you! My goals for 2010 are
Technique” and the similar to years past - to tour for at least
“Doubler-Guitar.” 100 or more shows and release 1 or 2
They are part of a live major projects - CDs and/or DVDs. Also,
show that is uniquely to practice as much as possible and
my own. Other guitar keep learning new things. Please check
players now use the out my site at
“MAB Over-Under”
such as the
Tom: Michael welcome to Rocknation, I it had helped him a lot. He dedicated the guitarists
would like to start with saying set to me that night. I was amazed at the from bands like “Dragonforce”
congrats on being the ROCKNATION aggression of his tone and the ferocious and “Trivium,” but in each
2009 GUITAR SHREDDER PICK. riffs that he was playing. I immediately instance they have given me
MAB: Thanks. I sincerely appreciate it. realized he was something special. credit for inventing the move
Tom: You had Mark Tremonti from Creed Dime has always been one of my favor- and I am thankful for it. I have
on this CD. How did that fall into place? ite players so I wanted to do a special an agent that books and coor-
MAB: Mark Tremonti is a great song- tribute to him. dinates my concerts. The clinic
writer and guitarist. Mark and I are Tom: Tell us about the vocalist program is run “in house” by
good friends and have jammed together Warrren Dunlevy, Jr., where is this Dean Guitars. The bottom line
numerous times. I asked him if he would talented vocalist from? is that I get so many shows
perform a guitar solo on the album and MAB: I say this in all sincerity - Warren every year because there are
he said yes. I also did a guest guitar- can sing anything. Literally. He has a continued requests for them.
ist segment on one of his instructional really, great voice. I hired a company in The demand is there. I am truly
DVDs. Chicago to produce the vocals on this grateful for the opportunity
Tom: You have many other special album and they recommended Warren. and I never take any part of my
guests, please fill us in on those artists? At first, they began by e mailing me ver- musical career for granted.
MAB: Another good friend of mine is sions of the some of the “HWS 2” tracks Tom: Tell us about your latest
a guitarist named Bill Peck. He is an with other vocalists, but I didn’t like the signature guitar models.
amazing player and did a great solo on way the singing fit with the songs. Then MAB: I have several different
“HWS 2 - Voices.” Also appearing on the the producer, Scott Fritz, told me about models that are all based on a
CD are “UFO” guitarist Vinnie Moore, a great singer named Warren Dunlevy, few key things. 24 frets, a very
solo artist George Bellas as well as for- Jr. that lived on the east coast. We flew slim and slightly contoured
mer “Manowar” guitarist David Shankle. him to Chicago, Scott started working neck, a super strat style body
Tom: The album begins with “Tribute to with him and Warren was able to sing with easy access to the upper
Dimebag.” tell us about that. every song. He has this amazing ability frets, an original Floyd Rose
MAB: I met Dime when “Pantera” was to sound like a completely different locking trem, American made
touring for their “Cowboys From Hell” singer from track to track, yet still retain Grover tuning keys and the
CD. He told me that he had studied my the style and feel of the music. Plus, he “coolest” graphics possible.
“Star Licks” instructional video and that is a super nice guy. Famed graphics artist Stephen