Page 13 - ISSUE 18
P. 13
Melissa: This project definitely are now even better. We still pinch gryheart) on guitars, who
began with a chance meeting with ourselves to be sure that we are not worked with Vinny Appice,
Frédéric. It’s been an absolute turn- dreaming! Fortunately not! Ha! Ha! Bobby Kimball…, and the
ing point in our career. We can say We’re so honored to work with all incredible Alessandro Mori
that this is the project of a lifetime these emblematic musicians! We’d on Drums ! We’ll also be on
in which we have all three heav- like to thank all our musical encoun- stage with Alessandro Del
ily invested ourselves, but it might ters for their incredible work on our Vecchio (Hardline, Lion-
have been less ambitious without album & all the people and everyone ville, Eden’s Curse, Edge Of
his support! Indeed, he’s the coolest who supported us! Forever) as a special guest,
musician we know and a human be- Rocknation: Chasing Violets took an who worked with Vinny &
ing we are proud to work with ! We exciting turn and decided to record Carmine Appice, Steve Lu-
have a lot in common, and not only “Outside Heaven” in English. Please kather, Bobby Kimball, Glenn
music. There was a vibe between fill us in on previous recordings in Hughes, James Christian,
us, and we have all three the same your French language. Robin Beck…, and of course
ideas about life and music, espe- Sarah: It’s a stimulating turn for sure! our good friend & producer
cially about Aor. I think we really We can’t ignore it ! However, it’s obvi- Frédéric Slama (AOR)!
understand each other and we enjoy ous that we couldn’t do Aor music in Melissa: We’ll perform songs
working together. But of course this French, so we immediately decided from our 1st album and clas-
project wouldn’t have been possible to write in English for this project. sics from Frédéric Slama’s
if we didn’t have all three enough Nevertheless, it’s true that we wrote AOR. We’re getting ready
chemistry. several songs in our native language for future shows that will be
Sarah: Working with Frédéric is very for our previous Rock bands many held in France, and maybe in
rewarding, because he’s so talented years ago, but that’s another story! Japan by the end of this year,
and so open minded. However he’s Moreover, we’d like everyone to be even if we can’t reveal you
very hard to please. He pays close able to understand our messages all anything more about the tour
attention to details. He’s always around the world. That’s true that we dates, for the moment. We’re
been a man of good advice. We’d really have a lot to say! Singing in of course planning for a tour
like to make clear that we really English brings us a wider audience. with a fabulous backup band
appreciate the fact that he never Rocknation: Your band lives in in early 2013, first in Eu-
stopped being by our side through- France. What is the music scene like rope, and eventually all over
out all this project. We have all his there? the world. Our Schedule is
support. We’ll always remember all Melissa: Unfortunately, Aor music gonna be crazy!
the good times we spent together. isn’t very popular in France. The Rocknation: Please name
He’s very professional and he has music scene there is dedicated to bands or artist that influ-
a great sense of humor! Moreover other types of music like Rock, Rap enced you.
he’s always available for us and or R’n’B. I can assure you it’s more Sarah: You know, growing
truly supervises everything! He per- difficult to evolve in a Rock Melodic up musically with such big
fectly understood the importance style in this country. I hope that it will artists through your head-
for us to record such an album like change one day, ‘cause people there phones influences the style
this one. You know, he’s an incred- really miss something! However, I’m of music you create! We’re
ible arranger & producer! When he totally convinced that people would really inspired by great
offered us his help, we immediately appreciate great albums from Aor Melodic Rock bands like
accepted it. So we appreciate his bands! It may be just a problem of Journey, Giant, Foreigner,
extraordinary involvement in this promotion and it’s obvious that labels Kansas, Boston, Survivor,
work. Thanks Frédéric! prefer producing more popular mu- Night Ranger, Radioactive,
Rocknation: Your CD features the sic. There’s always been an audience Jeff Paris, Paul Sabu and
biggest list of names appearing I’ve for bands like Toto, Chicago or AC/DC we have a lot of unbeliev-
ever seen, please tell us how that and many others who are regularly able memories linked to
came about in the studio. sold out in France. classic songs like “Don’t
Melissa: It was an exciting experi- Rocknation: Please name some Stop Believin’” from Jour-
ence for us at all levels! The album bands you have appeared with and ney, “Cold As Ice” from
features more than 32 of the best future concerts coming up. Foreigner, “Lyin’ Eyes” from
musicians of the Aor world like Sarah: Last march, we did a couple The Eagles and many more.
Tommy Denander, Paul Sabu, David of concerts in the United States with It’s only in the Aor world that
Diggs, Bruce Gaitsch, Michael Jerry Hludzik from Dakota. It was you’re surrounded with such
Landau, Mike Baird, Eric Ragno, really exciting to share the stage talented musicians and sing-
Philip Bardowell, Göran Edman, with a legend like Jerry, but also very ers! That’s why we decided
Jerry Hludzik, Dane Donohue and surprising! We were blown away to choose the Aor music as
many more. And yes of course, by his voice and his personality, so our own style! We also like
we had the chance to work with all during each show we had a really more recent bands like Stan
these legends! It was very difficult great time together! Moreover, we’re Bush, Houston, Crossfade,
to keep our heads! The pressure very honored to open the show for Chris Ousey, Serpentine,
was at its highest level at the begin- Alien on September 22nd in La Sala Sunstorm, Two Fires, White
ning, but then it decreased slowly! Caracol in Madrid (Spain), with our Widdow, State Of Rock,
You know, the Aor world is like a fabulous backup band, composed of Shadowman, Pride of Lions,
big family, and we always work in Anna Portalupi (Hardline & Lionville) Heartland, Lionville, Mecca,
a casual atmosphere. Our relations on bass, who worked with Mitch Mal- Hungryheart, Dante Fox and
with everybody were already good loy, Bobby Kimball, Steve Lukather…, many more.
at the beginning of the project and Mario Percudani (Lionville & Hun- (cont. on page 14)