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ROCKNATION ISSUE 18                                                                                                             PAGE 15
                                      soop’s newest addition, bassist San-  Rocknation: In March of this year, you   eral awesome Arizona-based bands.
                                      ford Rogers, Monkeysoop’s recording   toured in Arizona and California, and in  Rocknation: What other events are lined
                                      engineer Joel Vasquez on keys, and   April, opened for legendary surf   up for 2012?
                                      two of Monkeysoop’s guitar students,   guitarist Dick Dale and Swedish rockers  Monkeysoop: Monkeysoop will be
                                      Michael Gentz and Matthew Oubre,   Sabaton. Please tell us all about the tour  returning to Houston for the first time in
                                      contributing solos on “Mysteries of the  and those shows.              years on August 18th, to play with other
  Interview with MONKEYSOOP           Universe.” Additionally, our own version  Monkeysoop: In mid March, Monkey-  Texas-based bands at the Mink. We have
                                                                                                             other shows in the works, hopefully in-
                                                                         soop hit I 10 West and played three
                                      of Dead or Alive’s “You Spin Me Round
          by Tom Mathers              (Like a Record)”, recorded in 2009 with   dates in California and two in Arizona.   cluding more out-of-state adventures in
                                      Craig McIntyre (bass) and Oscar Laun   The highlights of the tour were sharing   the late summer and fall. Meanwhile, the
  Rocknation: Welcome to Rocknation   (drums), was released as a bonus track  the stage with The Radioactive Chicken  recording studio is calling quite loudly.
  and congrats on your new release,   on this latest CD.                 Heads, Rhythm Coffin, and perform-  We have an acoustic CD in the works
  “EXPERIMETAL II”, on Sonic Wave     Rocknation: You have two exciting spe-  ing with Dukey Flyswatter of Haunted   as well as a comedy, vocal-infused CD,
  International. Please tell us a little about  cial guests appearing on this release,   Garage at the CIAA in N. Hollywood,   based on a project we started in back
  this new album.                     Michael Angelo Batio and Terry Bozzio.  then opening for Michael Schenker with  in 2010. Jerry Connor is also writing a
  Monkeysoop: Thank you, Tom, it’s great  Please tell us how that came about and  Robin McAuley in Tempe, Arizona. In   short film using a medley of Monkey-
  to be interviewed by you once again.   what songs they play on.        April, we were fortunate enough to open  soop tunes and ramping up custom
  Schizophrenic guitar frenzy over a solid  Monkeysoop: We have always been big  for two great acts two weeks in a row.   guitar production with his new com-
  backing rhythm, each song articulating  fans of these musical heavyweights we  On the 8th, we opened for Dick Dale in   pany, Hellgrimm Guitars. Monkeysoop
  multiple time signatures and tempos,   wanted to take this new album further   Helotes, Texas, and his stage presence   will also be recording EXPERIMETAL III
  EXPERIMETAL II is an expansion of in-  than our previous efforts. By asking   and overall charisma was astounding.   in the near future . . . stay tuned for this
  strumental exploration, inspired by our  them to perform on our CD, we were   April 15th was the Sabaton show in San  and other Soop surprises!
  2010 release,                       simply hopeful that they’d be intrigued.  Antonio, the first on their 2012 North   Rocknation: Thank you for this
  EXPERIMETAL. Jerry Connor (our      Knowing how choosy they are about   American Tour. What can we say?    interview, any last words to the fans?
  guitarist) wrote the songs so that the   the projects on which they appear, we   Sabaton rocks - period. If you’ve never   Monkeysoop: Thank you, Tom, for
  two albums would flow nicely together   were thrilled to hear that they were both  seen them live, fix that as soon as   having us. And thank you to all of our
  and create a storyline to engage the   interested in doing session work on   possible.                     fans, for taking a chance and listening
  listeners’ imagination. Our goal is to   our album. All of their recording was   Rocknation: You are touring in Arizona   to our music. Here’s to a rockin’ second
  stretch the boundaries of musical pos-  done at their preferred studios and sent  again in July. Have you booked any   half of 2012!
  sibilities within a mostly progressive/  to us through the internet. We emailed   shows with other name artist or are   For more info:
  metal/hard rock vehicle. EXPERIMETAL  them our parts on the songs and then   you headlining after the successful last
  II also features the work of Monkey-  turned them loose. Michael Angelo’s   shows?
                                               solo on “Power Exalted” was  Monkeysoop:
                                               amazing - to hear his play-  We are returning
                                               ing on one of our songs was  to Club Red in
                                               truly mind-blowing. Terry   Tempe, where
                                               Bozzio had the arduous task  we are opening
                                               of setting drums to Jerry’s   for the amaz-
                                               most unusual, 15/16 time-  ing Keel. We’ve
                                               signatured “The Balance Fac- been fans of
                                               tor”. Roughly forty layers of   theirs for a long
                                               superb drumming came back  time and were
                                               to us and we used every one  honored to be
                                               of them in the song. Terry’s   considered for
                                               experience working on “The   this show. We’re
                                               Balance Factor” became his   also playing in
                                               first video lesson on writing   Tucson on the
                                               and recording drum parts,   7th, where we’ll
                                               featured on www.drumchan-  be sharing the
                                      earlier this year.  stage with sev-
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