Page 21 - ISSUE 18
P. 21
Rocknation: Hello WILD around since 2000. Motorhead and
MACHINE and welcome to Rock- Wild Machine: Before 2000 I don’t garage/protopunk
nation. You just released your think that any sleaze, glam or giants like MC5,
album “ll” on Perris Records. hardrock band came in Greece N.Y.Dolls, Sex
Please tell us about the record- (besides the early 90’s with G’N’R, Pistols, The Damned.
ing and writing process for this The Cult and Winger). Around We always take
release. 2004 something started to go on lessons from our
Wild Machine: Ηello Rockna- with Adler’s Appetite, Tykketto etc. obscure/cult heroes
tion and readers, first of all we giving shows in Greek ground. like Agony Bag,
would love to thank Perris re- So since 2005 we had the chance Death SS and glam
cords for releasing our album. to share the stage with Star Star, rock gods Slade, The
Some songs are written 8 years Gilby Clarke, Faster Pussycat, Sweet, Geordie etc. Of
ago and the ‘’younger’’ ones are Ryan Roxie, Skid Row, bulgarian course we can’t forget
3 years old. We started record- sleaze rockers Alley Sin and of our australian main
ing in the winter of 2008 and the course lots of greek bands like influences: AC/DC,
studio started to change place Roxy Bitch, W.A.N.T.E.D, Wild Kit- Rose Tattoo, Angel
so we picked up our stuff and ten, Lucky 13, Danger Angel, Cya- City, Rhino Bucket..
continued recording in another nide 4, RedRum (with M.Bormann It sounds bizzare but
studio. In the meanwhile we had of Jaded Heart), Outloud till cult we are not affraid to
to rehearshe all the time cause punk acts like Stigma 90 and combine in our sound
οften gigs and I lived in an- heavy metal veterans Vice Human Britny Fox with Raven
other city far away from Athens to name a few. In our beginning for example.
(our base) so, little time and all (before 2003) I can remember us Rocknation: In 2009
this situation plus some health playing with death, thrash and you worked with
problems took us some more prog metal bands too. legendary Jay Mes-
time to finish our first album. Rocknation: Your band has semi- sina (Kiss, Aerosmith,
The title’’II’’is sarcastic, we could theatrical extravagant outrageous Ted Nugent, Stones,
have a second album out. performances please fill us in Cheap Trick...) on a
Rocknation: Your band lives in what it is like to be at a WILD album mix, how did
Athens, Greece. What is the MACHINE show. that come about and
music scene like there? Wild Machine: Beyond the what was it like work-
Wild Machine: If you’re asking glitter that’s been smashed in ing with Jay?
about the rock scene it’s a pretty the audience, the make up and Wild Machine:
alive thing going on here mostly stuff, the energy and electricity is A friend at the time
D.I.Y of course, but if you want the substance in a Wild Machine from Rockpages web-
to be called a ‘’professional show. It has some party feeling mag connected us
musician’’ you can manage it in but much more aggressive. No with Jay. It’s a great
only with buzuki, folk and greek ballads, no lovesongs, just glitter, honor to work with
pop. The market here is very vulgarity and heavy metal a living legend. Yes
limited and the metal audience is rock ‘n’ roll. I know, through dis-
more into mainstream stuff. Rocknation: Please name bands tance, but I think we
The good thing is that lots of or artist that influenced you. finally made it, haha!.
new bands are comming out in Wild Machine: From Kix, Danger- We met him personal-
all kinds of rock. ous Toys, Kiss, Cinderella, Love/ ly too in his holiday’s
Rocknation: Please name some Hate, Hanoi Rocks, The Darkness in Greece and beyond
bands you have appeared to heavy metal legends like Judas a great professional
with since your band has been Priest, Accept, Saxon, he’s a cool guy too.
(Cont. on page 22)