Page 27 - ISSUE 18
P. 27

ROCKNATION ISSUE 18                                                                                                             PAGE 27

     Rocknation:                         that’s why we write and sing the
     Hello BAD MEMORIES and              songs in english, there’s no
     welcome to Rocknation. You just  market for the music in Italy, ex-
     released your album “Forced To  cept of what comes out of televi-
     Be A Stranger” on Perris            sion programs, so the majors are
     Records. Please tell us             almost never interested and grow
     about the recording and writing     small underground movements.
     process for this release.           Rocknation: Please name bands
     Bad Memories: These songs           or artist that influenced you.
     were written and composed over  Bad Memories: Well... There are a
     the years by Francesco Cava-        lot of influences in our style; We
     lieri and Enrico Dal Canto and      must mention two groups that we
     modified according to the new       define the roots of melodic rock:
     technical and compositive level     Survivor and Journey. By the way
     of the band. “Forced To Be A        we had more “inspirations” from
     Stranger” wants to be a breath      other bands like Dokken, Fire-
     of fresh air on the AOR/Metal       house, Danger Danger for sure,
     scene, new sounds and new           and many artists from the 80’s
     influences while not forgetting     and the 90’s like Robert Tepper or
     the old school of composition of  Mark Free.
     the 80’s/90’s. All the songs were  Rocknation: Please name some
     recorded by Alessio Lucatti and     bands you have appeared
     Olaf Thorsen at Eden Studios,       with in Europe.
     and mastered at New Sin Studios  Bad Memories: We have played
     (TV - Italy).                       with some Italian artists in some
     Rocknation: Your CD production  festivals, and international metal
     was by Olaf Thorsen (Labyrinth,  scene’s artists like Fabio Lione,
     Vision Divine). What was that       Vision Divine, Michael Angelo
     like working with Olaf?             Batio, and various artists from
     Bad Memories: To work with Olaf  other genres of music like: Rita
     was a great experience because  Marley, Siouxsie and the Ban-
     he taught us to begin this work     shees and Goran Bregović.
     as professionals. When he           Rocknation: What plans do you
     joined the project as producer      have for 2012?
     and recording supervisor the        Bad Memories:
     songs were almost done, but he  Share, share, and share again;
     helped us in some parts to let      Create our own space into the
     the songs “flow” allot better. He   european scene of our time, and
     gave us a lot of good advice and  play on live shows as possible.
     explained many things that we       Rocknation:
     didn’t know, so in the end we are  Thank you for taking time for this
     glad to have worked with him.       interview and last words to the
     Rocknation: Your band lives in      fans?
     Italy. What is the music scene      Bad Memories:
     like there?                         We would like to thank all the
     Bad Memories: We were born in       fans, all the friends and our
     this country, we live in Italy, but   families for the support that they
     we can say that our spirit          gave us all the days during the
     belongs to United States.           recording sessions, and all who
     The passion for this kind of        follow us on our web official’s
     music can’t be grown in Italy, so  channels! Thanks guys!
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