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ROCKNATION ISSUE 17                                                                                                               PAGE 3

                                                                         ah! The italian reviewers find difficult  with my solo project named “Pi Red
                                                                         categorizing our style, so the easy   Project”, a project I created to pro-
                                                                         way is writing reviews, skipping the   pose songs from my records and my
                                                                         tracks and putting a low rate. But this  own stuff, but this is another story.
                                                                         is a good news, because it means    Anyway, with my solution we are all
                                                                         that our music could be appreciated  “happily ever after”.
                                                                         abroad, ah ah ah!!! Coming back to   Rocknation:  What plans do you
                                                                         my favourite bands, there are surely  have for 2012?
                                                                         Loudness, that I really love, and   Antonio Pecere: We are now work-
                                                                         Symphony X; and for me too, the     ing on the next record. The songs
                                                                         list would continue for a while, with   are all defined, even in the vocal
                                                                         Atheist, Meshuggah, Bjork, Queen,   melodies. We have just to fix some
                                                                         and so on... I really like bands hav-  arrangements, but the music is done.
                                                                         ing their own style that makes them   About the lyrics, we are evaluating
                                                                         distinguishable from the mass.      the possibility to make this record
                                                                         Rocknation: Your band was been      a concept album, reprising some
                                                                         voted as #1 band on “myspace” in    atmospheres of our pasts works (one
                                                                         the categories “top metal song” and   in particular), maybe making other
                                                                         “top metal band” in Italy, France,   singers join the adventure. These
                                                                         Germany, Spain, Sweden and          events are evolving now, so this is
                                                                         Poland. What was the response       all unsure! But I told too much. Now
                                                                         online after you won that?          I have to kill you, ah ah ah!!! More-
                                                                                                             over, without Betoken, I’m involved in
                                                                         Ivo Ricci: It was great! We have
       BETOKEN                                                           been in the top of the chart for about  some other projects. I’m still play-
                                                                         two months, reaching many people
                                                                                                             ing live with Rapid Fire and my “Pi
                                                                                                             Red Project”, with whom I’m writing
                                                                         who do not knew us. The contacts
                      Interview by Tom Mathers                           on myspace have increased expo-     my own stuff. This year I will prob-
                                                                                                             ably record with Deimos and with
                                                                         nentially, surpassing even the 200
                                                                         listenings per day. Important num-  Crimson Dawn, the last band I’ve
  Rocknation:  Hello Betoken and      hi-tune I used for example with my   bers for a band like us. The result is  joined, with Dario Beretta, the guitar
  welcome to Rocknation. You just     previous bands Sigma, Rapid Fire or  that we have increased the range of  player of Drakkar. But for details, we
  released your album “Days Of The    Komaday. I just wanted to explore a  our potential listeners.          have to plan another interview, eh
  Apocalypse” on STEELHEART           new way to recite what I sing.     Rocknation: Your band has been      eh eh… songs and good melodies.
  RECORDS. Please tell us about the  Rocknation:  You live in Monza,     together since 2000, please name    Anyway one of my targets for the
  recording and writing process for this  Italy. What is the music scene like   some bands you have appeared with  future is an instrumental album, so
  release.                            there?                             in Italy.                           maybe after I will plan some other
  Ivo Ricci: Hi Tom! Thanks for the   Antonio Pecere: Monza is very      Ivo Ricci: We’ve never been really   clinics.
  opportunity to appear on Rocknation!  close to Milano that the scene is   involved in live-activity. In the early   Rocknation:  Thank you for taking
  With “Days Of The Apocalypse” we    in fact the same. There are many   times because of various line-up    time for this interview and last words
  decided to make an album different   bands, playing different genres, from  changings; and since 2007 because  to the fans?
  from the previous ones. A little more  Pop to Metal passing thru Rock. The  of our choice to continue only to   Antonio Pecere:  Thanks to you for
  melodic and with more pathos. Then  problem for all these bands is to find  record albums. However, we have   this interview! I make the obvious
  I started to write the structures of   places to play live. The situation is   played with great Italian bands like   reminder to join our myspace and
  the songs. Once I reached the result  quite dramatic, because the audi-  Kenos, Derdian, Mathedras and     our facebook, even mine. But first
  I wanted, I called Antonio Pecere   ence goes to live pubs just if there   many others.                    of all I want to leave a message to
  (the singer) to work on melodies and  is a tribute band that plays as the   Antonio Pecere: For me, that I’m a   all musicians, in particular for those
  lyrics, while Alex and Michele were   copy of the originals. This is funny for  live singer, this is a problem. There   ones that are frustrated for the lack
  studying their parts. Then we entered  awhile, but for a musician that want   are some Betoken’s songs that I   of results: “Be unstoppable as a river
  the studio, and we recorded every-  to play his own stuff, this is really   wished to play live. The solution I   in flood!”
  thing in two weeks.                 frustrating. The question from the   found is playing these songs live
  Antonio Pecere: The approach this  pub’s owner is always the same: how
  time was focused to make the album  many people do you plan to bring?
                                                        Of course, the
                                                          great names of
                                                          the Metal scene
                                                          are not touched
                                                          by these little
                                                          Your band has
                                                          been described
                                                          as techni-
                                                          cal and solid
                                                          Power Metal.
                                                          Please name
                                                          bands or artist
                                                          that influenced
                                                          Ivo Ricci:
                                                          Megadeth on
                                                          everything else!
                                                         In the band we
  more direct than the previous one.   are all fans of this band, especially
  We tried to get a direct punch in this  me. Personally I also love Rage,
  new work. This is the reason why    Symphony X, Royal Hunt, Anthrax
  “Days...” has less backing vocals   and many others. The list would be    BETOKEN
  than “Venom Empire”, and less       very long. Returning to our defini-
  intertwined vocals. Another choice   tion as a Power Metal band... many
  to catch a live attitude was to record  people define us this way; we try to   “Days Of The Apocalypse”
  the vocals of “Days...” in two days,   propose a classic Heavy Metal with
  reducing corrections the more pos-  some influences from Thrash and       USA distro by Perris Records
  sible.  I also decided to sing in a dif-  Progressive. We’re not exactly a
  ferent way from my previous works,   Power Metal band.                    Catalog PER3922  UPC  670573039228
  using sometimes a low-tune to       Antonio Pecere: I’m agree with Ivo.
  differentiate this new record from the  We are not a “tra-la-la” band, ah ah   NOW AVAILABLE IN ALL FINE CD STORES AND ONLINE.
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