Page 5 - ISSUE 17
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times until June 2011. A few tracks school days. The first idea was as a songwriter . I’m a great fan of Melodic Rock, the competition is
were almost finished before going to mix southern rock strong composers as Mark Spiro, Richard not tough! People enjoy what the
to the studio and we kept some rhytm guitars with more aggres- Marx, Bryan Adams... Or great art- radios are playing and follow the
original recordings that were made sive but melodical choruses. A ists like David Foster, Don Henley, flow. There are quotas imposed by
in my own studio as for Brand New mix between LYNYRD SKYNYRD John Mutt Lange or Michael Bolton. law on the French language. But
Start, Lift Me Up, a duet with my and SKID ROW. Then our sound Those artists have a huge influence if you sing in English, you should
sister Justine on vocals or Drifting became much heavier on the sec- on my songwriting for long years. be N°1 in England first, if you want
Away. ond demo and even more on what I confess in the 80’s I was totally to be played on a big french radio.
BRUNO: Exactly, during the last unfortunately never became the under the influence of Yngwie Malm- The system is totally ridiculous and
years it was very difficult to find third on which the guitars sound- steen but with years passing by I rotten. Only the independant medias
time to finalize the album. I did ed more like Zakk Wylde’s BLACK began listening to amazing session are doing a nice job, as they can...
some important renovations in my LABEL SOCIETY. We recorded guitarists as Tim Pierce, Dann Huff ROCKNATION: Ben you live in
recording studio... But we finally two 14 tracks demo albums and or Michael Thompson. To complete Belgium, what is the music scene
found a some common time in our made a few concerts until 2008 my musical background I grew up like there?
schedules! Only a very few songs and then broke up. Didier, the also with classical music but I ap- BEN: The music scene is very
were recorded through the internet, drummer is still one of my best preciate Blues, New Country (Keith particular in belgium… Belgian rock
using a webcam, each one of us friends and musical partners. Urban, for example) and some good is very close to the english
being in his own studio, mine in Some tracks from our first demo pop songs too. So, probably the alternative pop/rock scene. Belgium
France and Ben’s in Belgium. Most “From Here To There” were put Silence discography is made of all is a very small country divided in
of the songs were recorded in a online in 2006 and the webmaster that mix of styles. two parts, one french speaking and
one week session in my studio. A from a french melodic rock web- BEN: As far as I’m concerned I grew one dutch speaking, each one with
very intensive session! ;-) site loved it and put me in contact up with hard rock, starting with it’s own culture and artists. There are
BEN: Yes, when we found some with Bruno who was looking for a Alice Cooper’s “Poison” or Guns a lot of talents here but not enough
time to meet at Bruno’s studio in singer to replace Jerôme Cazard N’Roses “Appetite For Destruction” structures and money to help them.
his house in Nantes, we had far too who just left Silence. So the story (yes I’m a little bit younger than I’m playing in a very cool band called
much material for a single album began... Bruno )… I started playing guitar at STEVE AUSTIN (http://www.steve-
after all those years. In fact we ROCKNATION: Bruno and Ben 15 and then tried to sing along… My We play live remixes of
recorded almost 20 complete please name bands or artist that biggest influences as a singer are modern and classic hits in an
songs in one week. I was sleeping influenced you. Jean-Jacques Goldman (a french electro/rock/metal way… Making
in the studio, working on the lyrics BRUNO: I grew up with 70’s bands singer and composer), Alice Cooper, creative covers helps us to play
during the day and recording all the such as Kiss, Motörhead, Raven Sebastian Bach, Devin Townsend, almost everywhere, from bars to big
vocals at night… We didn’t slept a and ZZ Top, then the NWOBHM Ozzy Osbourne and Mike Patton… events. It would be harder to find
lot that week! When the whole 22 era, with bands like Saxon and Not very AOR as you can see :D some gigs with 100% original
tracks were finished, we could not Venom, and all the underground ROCKNATION: Bruno you live in material.
put one or another aside. pool that born at the same time France, what is the music scene like BRUNO: I remember the belgium
BRUNO: We started brainstorming in Europe and North America. there? Metal scene in the early 80’s, was
to choose a track-list for the This period still running through BRUNO: Hum.... SILENCE is a kind very active with a lot of good heavy
album... but we enjoyed every my veins. This is my culture. My of “ufo” here ! France is not a very Metal bands like Acid, Crossfire,
single song as much that choosing structure! ;-) I am a fan of bands “rock” country. There are millions Killer... Oh, I feel really old right now!
one instead of another was really like King Diamond, Anvil, fans of Heavy Metal, but this kind of Haha!
painful. Annihilator, Overkill... But I’m music is never played in the big me- ROCKNATION: Bruno you was
BEN: We were finally lucky enough “double”: Classic Rock and AOR dias. About AOR music, it’s worst ! invited to perform with the
to meet Tom who was really excited are a huge part of me too. An We have a lot of great french project of Frédéric Slama AOR “The
about releasing two albums at the essential part. This kind of music singers and songwriters, such as Colors Of L.A.”. The project was
same time! touch me deep as a musician J.J. Goldman and Laurent Voulzy, produced by Frédéric Slama and
BRUNO: We were saved! :-) then where comes my inspiration some great Metal bands, but about Tommy Denander and features great
BEN: City (days) contains the most names of AOR worldwide like: Philip
positive tracks and City (nights) Bardowell, David Foster, Steve
contains the darker ones… the Lukather, Jerry Hludzik (Dakota),
distribution between City (days) Joey Summer, Michael Landau,
and City (nights) comes from that among many others. Please tell
“yin & yang” idea. That was not us about that.
planned at all when we wrote the BRUNO: It was a real pleasure to
songs and we are really happy collaborate with Frédéric Slama. I
with those two strong albums. know Frederic for some years and
BRUNO: All the songs are from I was very honored to be invited
the same session, even if some of by him. As the list of Melodic
them were written 4 years ago and Rock musicians is relatively short
some other only a few months. in France, we have to be united!;-)
ROCKNATION: Bruno please tell At first, Frederic offered me to
us how you recruited your current work on one of his demo song
singer Ben Venet for Silence. “Just one kiss on your heart”,
BRUNO: After the departure of with complete freedom about new
Jérôme (Cazard), I started look- arrangments. Finally, 2 versions
ing for a new singer. But it’s very were recorded : One with Philip
difficult to find in France! French Bardowell (on Colors of L.A.) and
singers don’t have Melodic Rock one with Ben on “City” (nights).
feeling and culture. I put ads on ROCKNATION: What plans do you
websites, then Ben contacted me have for 2012?
from a french website. He sent me BEN: I’m hoping City (days) and
some MP3’s of his band Jayhawk- City (nights) will find their pub-
ers and in 2 minutes, I thought lic… I’m also hoping to convince
“Here’s the new Silence singer!”, Bruno to perform live with
then I deleted all my ads ;-) His SILENCE!
voice was perfect for the direction BRUNO: The best sellings
I wanted to give to Silence. possible for the 2 City! Otherwise,
ROCKNATION: Ben please tell us I’m still working on some projects
about and fond memories about beside Silence... Among other
your Belgian band the things, I’m composing songs for
JAYHAWKERS. my wife Lucy.
BEN: JAYHAWKERS is one of (continued on page 6)
my first bands, back in my high-