Page 25 - ISSUE 19
P. 25
BALL BREAKER Rocknation: Hello Ed Spock from BALL- every tool we can to bring our music to the public. PAGE 25
Rocknation: Ballbreaker was a guest on The Sunday Night Shakedown on 98.9 The
BREAKER and welcome to Rocknation.
Buzz in Rochester NY, please tell us about that.
Your band has released two studio Cds
called “Daddy Long Legs” and “Hangmen’s Ed: Frank DeBlase, Jeff, and Hailey at The Sunday Night Shakedown have been some
of our biggest backers from our hometown over the years. They have allowed us to
Tree” both distributed by Perris Records.
come into their studios with an open door invitiation to promote our music, show and
Please tell us is the band writing any new
general happening that go on with the band. I have to say that, it is a blast everytime
release from the band.
ances. Some of the best stuff we have is from moments that didn’t even make it on air.
Ed: Hi Tom, Thanks for the interview. A
Lots of audio from our fans that call in that are just hysterical. The show also streams
little while ago we lost our long time drum-
Interview by Tom Mathers songs? And when we will see the next we go in there and have been able to get some really great audio from our appear-
online, so people can listen in from anywhere and we will always let them know when
mer, Todd. So we took some time to find a
replcement and was very fortunate to land we are going to be on so they can tune in.
our first choice to man the kit. The newest member to the Ballbreaker family, James Rocknation: Your band has been described as a hard drivin rock band. Please name
Dell, has worked on the support staff for Manowar and briefly drummed for Joey Bel- bands or artist that influenced you.
ladonna of Anthrax during Joey’s solo stint. He has also worked as a session drum- Ed: The guys in Ballbreaker come from all differant backgrounds as far as our individ-
mer for some east coast metal bands over the last few years ..... so we felt very lucky ual influences go, they generally range from classic hard rock to hair metal to power
to land such a versatile player. So... after bringing James into the band we have taken metal to extreme metal, but the constant is that we are all true fans of the hard rock/
some time getting the band back up to speed and doing a run of shows with him. Ball- heavy metal genre. The obvious influence is AC/DC ... we have even started a petition
breaker is rolling full bore once again, we are currently hunting down sponsorships on to petition the NFL to hire AC/DC to perform at the next Super Bowl
for our 2013 run, and we have recently began bringing ideas into the rehearsal room halftime show. You can also find info on that on, facebook as well
and grinding them out and contemplating which direction we want to take our music. as our other social media outlets. Other common influences for us are bands such as
We are hoping to be able to offer something late 2013 or early 2014. Judas Priest, Krokus, Jackyl ..... and more recently Buckcherry & Airbourne.
Rocknation: Please tell us what the response has been for your new BALLBREAKER Rocknation: Please name some bands you have appeared with in concert.
phone App available at Ed: Ballbreaker has been very lucky to have supported some top name acts over the
Ed: The Ballbreaker app is one of the coolest tools we have in our arsenal. It literally years .....most notably bands such as The Good Rats, Nazareth, Loverboy and Quiet
allows us to be at the fans fingertips at all times. One of the benefits we found of hav- Riot. I have to say, the guys in Loverboy were the coolest people ever to us. They took
ing an “official” app is that it allows us to constantly be in the face of whoever has it us right in like we were a part of the group and treated us great. I would love the oppor-
on their devices. With the app we are able stream media giving the user access to our tunity to perform with them again. Our time with Quiet Riot was, simply put, completely
music & videos, current showdates with mapping and directions on how to get there. outrageous .... I could write a book about that time. That was ALOT of fun. Nazareth
The user can upload photos right to the app themselves, and follow all updates from ....... well ....... let’s just say I could have done without their support staff at the time.
our social media outlets like facebook, twitter, myspace, reverbnation as well as our Rocknation: Thank you for taking time for this interview and last words to the fans?
official website, . It also allows us to tie in all our social media Ed: Yes, first I want to thank Tom & RockNation for all the work they do at keeping
into one palce for everyone to follow. In todays digital age we have to look for every this kind of music
angle possible to keep the fans attention alive.... I also want
and I think this is a great tool to help in that to take a second to
cause. thank everyone for all
Rocknation: The band also has a free MP3 the support over the
downloads on facebook how has been that years. Ballbreaker has
response? been going strong for
Ed: This has been a really good way for us 18 years now and it
to gain more and more followers to our fa- has been one hell of
cebook page. Obviously we do not want to a ride. At every show
give everything away for free and we want we raise a glass to all
people to go to Perris Records to pick up friends, family, fans
our c.d.s ..... but this is a really good way to and backers for every-
give a little something back to our fans as thing they have done
well as gaining new people to expose our for us over the years
music to. One of the things that I like about .... Ballbreaker has a
posting an MP3 for free download is being lot of cool things in
able to give a little background or anecdote the works and we can
about the song. Onc again, it’s life in the not wait to share them
digital age, and Ballbreaker wants to utilize with everyone !!!!