Page 18 - Investors Guide 19
P. 18

Take it From Them...

                                                    “The great thing about our location is we
                                                    have a very fertile growing area around us
                                                    and a booming agricultural sector. We can
                                                    live our country life but we have all the
                                                    amenities of the city right close to us.”

                                                    Calvin Brown, Manager
                                                    Parrish & Heimbecker Kerwood Grain Elevator

“Because we ship all over the world, we like
the location of where we are. We’re close to
highway 402 so it makes shipping easy.”

            Kimberly Tuck
            Canada Curling Stone Co.

“Where we’re located in Middlesex County is
great. We’re right in the middle of what would
be Southwestern Ontario’s wing so our market
could stretch anywhere from Toronto to
Windsor fairly easily.”

                                              Chris Traczuk, Owner
                                              Rusty Wrench Brewing Co.

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