Page 19 - Investors Guide 19
P. 19

“We like that freedom that we get here in
Middlesex County. To build where we want
and do all the things we need to in order to
bring our customer a better quality product.”

             Julie Masfrankc
             Maskfrankc’s Garden Centre

                                                          “One of the drivers for coming to Middlesex
                                                          County was the lower land cost and taxes. It
                                                          made it attractive to be here.”

                                                                      Dale Gaston, President
                                                                      Algonquin Bridge

“There has been alot of opportunities here
that provided for the business to grow. We
definitely plan on staying here in Middlesex.”

            Jim Dawe, Owner
            Murals in Metal

“There’s no problem working with Middlesex
County, getting the proper papers and
everything in order to start a business here.”

                                                Debbie McCallum, Owner
                                                In A Jam

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