Page 15 - FY21_FOB_Guide_(New_Hire)
P. 15


        Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota


        Our vision plan is offered through EyeMed.

        This is a comprehensive plan for all vision services. You may use any
        provider for your vision services; however, using an in-network provider
        will reduce your out-of-pocket costs.

         Features                      In-Network         Out-of-Network         Always use an in-network provider to obtain
                                                                                 the highest level of benefits.
         Eye Exam                          You pay $10        Up to $30
         Standard Contact Lens Fit &       Up to $40             NA              When accessing care out of network, you
         Follow-Up                                                               receive an amount that the provider will pay up
         Premium Contact Lens Fit &         10% off              NA              to. You are then responsible for the difference.

         Plastic Lenses                                                          Note: This is a voluntary plan, participation is
         (1x/12 mos)                                                             optional. You may waive this coverage if you
         Single                                               Up to $25          don’t need eyeglasses or contacts.
         Bifocal                           You pay $15        Up to $40
         Trifocal                                             Up to $60
         Lenticular                                           Up to $60
         Frames                         You receive up to                        Freedom pass: allows members
         (1x/12 mos)                   $150 allowance and
                                        then you receive a    Up to $65          to receive any frame, any price for $0 out-of-
                                         20% discount on
                                        amounts over $150                        pocket at Target Optical and Sears Optical. All
                                                                                 other vision plan services remain the same.
         Contacts                       You receive up to
         (1x/12 mos)                   $150 allowance and
         Elective, in lieu of glasses   then you receive a    Up to $104
                                         15% discount on
                                        amounts over $150

         Medically Necessary               You pay $0         Up to $210

        Vision Plan Premiums: This is a voluntary plan, meaning you pay 100% of
        the premiums. Premiums are effective Jan. 1, 2021.

         Status                                  Per Payroll Rates
         Employee only                                 $3.06
         Employee + Spouse                             $5.83
         Employee + Child(ren)                         $6.13
         Family                                        $9.02                     Call customer service at 866-723-0513 or call
                                                                                 the phone number on the back of your ID card
                                                                                 or visit

         Please review your plan summary document for more detailed coverage

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