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Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota
Medical plans and network options
Medical plans
GESMN offers two Medical Plan options with HealthPartners. There are differences in cost and
networks between these two plans. Compare the options and premium cost, and select what
fits best in your area:
$3,500-80% Open Access Network – Features a higher deductible and premium, with
co-insurance within a larger Open Access network
$2,800-80% Achieve Network – Features a lower deductible and premium, with co-
insurance within a more limited Achieve network.
HealthPartners Achieve Network
The Achieve Network includes Park Nicollet and HealthPartners doctors, clinics and hospital,
and a select group of independent doctors, clinics and hospitals. It is designed to provide high-
quality care options for those living in the Twin Cities metro or St. Cloud areas. All Achieve
providers are covered in-network and do not require a referral. If you need medically
necessary care that cannot be delivered by the Achieve network, your provider will coordinate
with HealthPartners to get you the care you need.
Please note – Any members enrolled in the Achieve plan that access care at a provider not in the Achieve network,
the services will be processed as out-of-network except for emergency care. Refer to the Summary of Benefits
Coverage (SBC) for more detailed information.
To find an in-network provider in your area, visit
HealthPartners Open Access Network
This is a larger network including all hospitals and all major clinic systems in MN, as well as a
nationwide network of providers throughout the U.S. No referrals are necessary with this
plan. To find an in-network provider in your area, visit
Employees working in GESMN areas not covered by the Achieve network can travel to a
covered area to seek care or choose the Open Access Network plan.