Page 9 - C:\Users\gscrane\OneDrive - Goodwill Industries, Inc\FlipBooks\Benefits Enrollment Guide\FY21\
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        Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota


     Acute Conditions Nice treats:           Anemia (mild)
     Sore throat                             Constipation
     Ear concerns (pain, drainage, wax)      Gout
     Cough, cold, flu, bronchitis            Osteoporosis (non-IV or injectable
     Stomach/digestive pain                  treatments)                                   DID YOU KNOW?
     Rashes                                  Osteoarthritis
     1 degree burns                          Obesity                                Nice provides 70% of care and
     Headache                                                                        prescriptions via chat and/or
     UTI                                     Conditions available to manage at
     Expedited Partner Therapy               extra lab cost:                                   virtual visit.
     Sinus infection                         Vitamin D Deficiency
     Yeast infection                         Sexually transmitted infection
     Minor asthma flare                                                            HOURS OF SERVICE – ONLINE VISITS
     Mononucleosis and other viral illnesses  Conditions Nice does not manage:
     Hand, foot, mouth                       Anything severe or urgent                Monday - Friday  8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
     Cold sore                               Uncontrolled Type 1 diabetes           Saturday - Sunday 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
     Wart evaluation                         Fractures that require casting
     Muscle or joint pain / sprains and strains  Severe Hypertension                HOURS OF SERVICE – HOME VISITS
     Pink eye                                Hyperthyroidism                          Monday - Friday  9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
     Bug bite                                Congestive Heart Failure
     Suture removal                          INR / Warfarin monitoring             Weekend home visits no longer available
     Athlete’s foot                          Cancer                                        starting on Jan. 1, 2021
     And many more.                          Pregnancy Management
                                             Chronic Kidney Disease
     Nice Chronic Conditions Nice manages:   Hepatitis
     High Cholesterol                        Kidney infection
     Hypothyroidism                          Sutures / stitches or staples
     Diabetes (Type 2)                       Controlled substances
     GERD                                    Allergy shots
     High Blood Pressure (non-emergent)      Intravenous Medications
     Asthma (mild to moderate)               Tuberculosis
     COPD (mild)
     Seasonal Allergies/Allergic Rhinitis    Wellness / Preventive Options:
     Epi-Pen refills                         Adult physicals (minus genital and
     Eczema                                  breast exams)
     Acne (no Accutane)                      Sports physicals
     Depression (mild-moderate)              Well child / baby checks (no
     Anxiety (mild-moderate/no controlled    vaccines)
     substances)                             Contraception
     Menopause                               Tobacco / Nicotine Cessation

     QUESTIONS?                              New in 2021: Physical Therapy
     Get started:                            Nice offers unlimited, live access to or text    licensed physical therapists within
     start to 612-806-0144 to stay   the Nice Healthcare app. Patients
     up to date.                             will be referred to a physical
                                             therapist by a Nice nurse
                                             practitioner provider.
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