Page 46 - Privacy_Program
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DP180.8b The complaint should be submitted by the complainant and/or his/her designee
as soon as possible to:
Director or Information Technology, Privacy and Data Security
Goodwill‐Easter Seals Minnesota
553 Fairview Avenue N
Saint Paul, MN 55412
Director of Information DP180.9a The Director of Information Technology, Privacy and Data Security shall review
Technology, Privacy and the complaint for completeness, validity and jurisdiction. As soon as possible
Data Security following receipt of the complaint, the Director of Information Technology,
Privacy and Data Security will contact the complainant to discuss the complaint
and possible solutions.
DP180.9b The Director of Information Technology, Privacy and Data Security shall make all
parties to the complaint aware of the alleged violation, obtain additional
information related to the complaint if necessary, and shall attempt to resolve
the complaint.
DP180.9c Within 10 calendar days after the contact, the Director of Information
Technology, Privacy and Data Security will respond in writing, and where
appropriate, in a format accessible to the complainant, such as large print,
Braille, or audio tape. The response will explain the position of Goodwill‐Easter
Seals Minnesota and offer options for substantive resolution of the complaint.
DP180.9d If the response by the Director of Information Technology, Privacy and Data
Security does not satisfactorily resolve the issue, the complainant and/or his or
her designee may appeal the decision of the Director of Information Technology,
Privacy and Data Security to the Chief Services and Programs Officer or his or her
designee within 30 calendar days after receipt of the response.
DP180.9e Within 30 calendar days after receipt of the appeal, the Chief Services and
Programs Officer or his or her designee will contact the complainant to review the
complaint and discuss possible resolution. Within 15 calendar days after the
meeting, the Chief Services and Programs Officer or his or her designee will
respond to the complainant with a final resolution of the complaint. The
response will be in writing, and where appropriate, in a format accessible to the
complainant. If the response by the Chief Services and Programs Officer does not
satisfactorily resolve the issue, the complainant and/or his or her designee may
appeal the decision to the President and CEO or his or her designee following the
same process.
DP180.9f All complaints received by the Director of Information Technology, Privacy and
Data Security, appeals to the Chief Services and Programs Officer, and responses
from the Director of Information Technology, Privacy and Data Security or
President & CEO or designee, will be kept by Goodwill‐ Easter Seals Minnesota
for six years.
Privacy and Data DP180.10 The organization will not retaliate against employees, individuals, or others for:
Security Officer
DP180.10a 1) exercising any right under, or participating in any process established by
federal, state, or local, law, regulations, or policy;
DP180.10b 2) filing a complaint with the organization or the Department of Health and
Human Services;
DP180.10c 3) testifying, assisting, or participating in an investigation, compliance review,
proceeding, or hearing; or