Page 44 - Privacy_Program
P. 44
DP170A.8b (b) the PRPI refers to another person (unless such other person is a health care
provider) and direct service staff has determined, in the exercise of professional
judgment, that the access requested is reasonably likely to cause substantial
harm to such other person; or
DP170A.8c (c) the request for access is made by the participant’s personal representative
and direct service staff or manager has determined, in the exercise of
professional judgment, that the provision of access to such personal
representative is reasonably likely to cause substantial harm to the individual or
another person.
Directors and DP170A.9 The organization will accommodate reasonable requests of participants to
Managers with amend or correct their PRPI stored by the organization.
Employees and
Director of
Privacy and
Data Security
Director of Information DP170A.10 The organization will record the reasons for the amendment to or correction of
Technology, Privacy and this information and the resolution of the request.
Data Security
Employees with Access DP170A.11 A participant’s request for amendment may be denied if the requested privacy
restricted information:
DP170A.11a (a) was not created by the organization;
DP170A.11b (b) would not be available for inspection under the requirements for individual
rights to access privacy restricted information; or
DP170A.11c (c) is inaccurate and incomplete.
DP170A.12 The time period for the action by the organization will be extended by no more
Employees with Access
than 30 days.
Employees with DP170A.13 The organization will notify participants of the outcome of their requests.
Managers and Director
of Information
Technology, Privacy and
Data Security
Employees with DP170A.14 If another entity notifies the organization of an amendment to a participant’s
Managers and Director PRPI, the organization will amend the respective information by, at minimum,
of Information identifying the affected information in the participant record and appending or
Technology, Privacy and otherwise providing a link to the location of the amendment.
Data Security