Page 39 - Privacy_Program
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Scope: Enterprise
Distribution: Executive Leadership Team; Director of Information Technology, Privacy and Data Security; Directors, Managers and
Supervisors; All Services and Programs Employees; and Other Employees with Access to Protected Health Information and Other
Privacy‐Restricted Participant Information (includes Contractors, temporary employees and Interns)
Purpose: To limit the collection and use of Protected Health Information and Other Privacy Restricted Participant Information to
what is needed by the organization for its stated purposes.
External Regulation or Standard: GAPP Principle 4: Collection, and 5: Use and Retention
Who is Responsible Statement Policy, Standard, or Procedure Statement
Chief Services and DP140.1 The organization's methods of collecting Protected Health Information (PHI) or
Programs Officer; Other Privacy Restricted Participant Information (PRPI) will be reviewed by
Director of Information S&P Chiefs, Directors and Managers as well as the Director of Information
Technology, Privacy Technology, Privacy and Data Security before they are implemented to
and Data Security; S&P confirm that information is obtained fairly, without intimidation or deception,
Directors, Managers and lawfully relating to the collection of personal information.
and Supervisors
Employees with Access DP140.2 The collection of PHI and other PRPI is limited to that necessary for the
to Protected Health purposes identified in the applicable privacy notice.
Information (PHI) and
Other Privacy‐ Restricted
Participant Information
Executive DP140.3 The organization will ensure that third parties from whom the organization
Leadership Team; collects PHI and other PRPI are reliable sources that collect information fairly
Director of and lawfully.
Technology, Privacy
and Data Security;
Directors, Managers
and Supervisors
Employees and others DP140.4 The organization will use PHI and other PRPI only for the purposes identified in
with Access to PHI and the applicable privacy notices and only if the participant has provided implicit
other PRPI or explicit consent, unless a law or regulation specifically requires otherwise.