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        Scope: Enterprise
        Distribution: Executive Leadership Team; Director of Information Technology, Privacy and Data Security; Directors, Managers and
        Supervisors; Services and Programs Employees; and Other Employees with Access to Protected Health Information and Other Privacy‐
        Restricted Participant Information Purpose: To clarify when the organization must treat a personal representative of a participant as
        the participant for privacy purposes.
        External Regulation or Standard: 45 C.F.R. §164.502(g) ‐ Standard: personal representative

        Who is Responsible     Statement    Policy, Standard, or Procedure Statement
        Employees with Access    DP134.1    The organization will treat a person as a personal representative of a participant
        to Protected Health                 with respect to disclosure of PHI or other PRPI if under applicable law:
        Information (PHI) and
        Other Privacy‐
        Restricted Participant
        Information (PRPI)
                                DP134.1a    (a)  a parent, guardian, or other person acting in loco parentis (in the place of a
                                            parent) has authority to act on behalf of a participant who is an unemancipated
                                            minor in making decisions related to health care; or

                                DP134.1b    (b)  an executor, administrator, or other person has authority to act on behalf of
                                            a deceased participant or of the participant’s estate.

        Employees and others     DP134.2    The organization will treat a person as a personal representative of a deceased
        with Access to PHI and              participant with respect to the PHI or other PRPI if under applicable law the
        Other PRPI                          person is an executor, administrator, or other person with authority to act on
                                            behalf of the deceased individual or of the individual’s estate.

        Employees and others     DP134.3    In the following circumstances, the organization will not treat a person as a
        with Access to PHI and              personal representative of an unemancipated minor; when the minor has
        Other PRPI                          authority to make decisions about their PHI or other PRPI pertaining to a health
                                            care service if:

                                DP134.3a    (a)  the minor consents to such health care service, no other consent is required
                                            by applicable law, and the minor has not requested that another person be
                                            treated as the personal representative;

                                DP134.3b    (b)  applicable law permits the minor to obtain such health care service without
                                            the consent of a parent, guardian, or other person acting in loco parentis; and
                                            the minor, a court, or another person authorized by law consents to such
                                            health care service; or

                                DP134.3c    (c)  a parent, guardian, or other person acting in loco parentis assents to an
                                            agreement of confidentiality between a covered health care provider and the
                                            minor with respect to such health care service.

        Employees and others     DP134.4    The organization will not treat a person as the personal representative of a
        with Access to PHI and              participant if:
        Other PRPI
                                DP134.4a    (a)  The organization believes or has reason to believe that the participant has
                                            been or may be subjected to domestic violence, abuse, or neglect by such

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