Page 36 - Privacy_Program
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        Scope: Enterprise
        Distribution: Executive Leadership Team; Director of Information Technology, Privacy and Data Security; Directors, Managers and
        Supervisors; All Services and Programs Employees; and Other Employees with Access to Protected Health Information and Other
        Privacy‐Restricted Participant Information (includes Contractors, temporary employees and Interns)
        Purpose: To define how participants can revoke their authorizations. “Revocation of an authorization to disclose” means that a
        participant may request, in writing, that the organization no longer use or disclose their privacy‐restricted information.
        External Regulation or Standard: 45 C.F.R. §164.508(b)(5) ‐ Revocation of authorizations

        Who is Responsible     Statement    Policy, Standard, or Procedure Statement
        Employees with Access    DP133.1    The organization will allow a participant to revoke an authorization to use or
        to Protected Health                 disclose their Protected Health Information (PHI) and other Privacy Restricted
        Information (PHI) and               Participant Information (PRPI), except in situations where:
        Other Privacy‐
        Restricted Participant
        Information (PRPI)

                                DP133.1a    (a) The organization has already acted on the authorization;
                                DP133.1b    (b)  the authorization was obtained as a condition of obtaining insurance
                                            coverage and other laws provide the insurer with the right to contest a claim
                                            under the policy or the policy itself.
                                 DP133.2    The organization will take all necessary steps to honor and comply with an
        Employees and others
                                            individual revocation of an authorization to use or disclose PHI or other PRPI,
        with Access to PHI and
                                            unless stated otherwise in this policy.
        Other PRPI
        Employees and others     DP133.3    The organization will not impose a time restriction on when an individual may
        with Access to PHI and              revoke authorization to use or disclose their PHI or other PRPI.
        Other PRPI
        Employees with Access    DP133.4    The organization will require individuals to request the revocation of
        to PHI and Other PRPI               authorization to use or disclose their PHI or other PRPI in writing.

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