Page 33 - Privacy_Program
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Scope: Enterprise
Distribution: Executive Leadership Team; Director of Information Technology, Privacy and Data Security; Directors, Managers and
Supervisors; Services and Programs Employees; and Others with Access to Privacy Restricted Participant Information (includes
Contractors, temporary employees and Interns)
Purpose: To provide participants an opportunity to determine how their Privacy‐Restricted Participant Information may be used or
disclosed and their rights under state and federal privacy laws.
External Regulation or Standard: Minn. Stat. 13.04 subd. 2 – Tennessen Warning; 45 C.F.R. §164.508 ‐ Uses and disclosures for
which an authorization is required
Who is Responsible Statement Policy, Standard, or Procedure Statement
Employees with Access DP130A.4 The organization will obtain a signed authorization from all participants before
to Privacy Restricted using or disclosing their Privacy Restricted Participant Information (PRPI), unless
Participant Information the use or disclosure is required, or otherwise permitted without an
(PRPI) authorization.
Employees with Access DP130A.7 The organization is not required to obtain authorization for the following
to PRPI purposes:
DP130A.7a (a) uses and disclosures required by law;
DP130A. 7b (b) uses and disclosures for public health activities;
DP130A. 7c (c) disclosures about victims of abuse, neglect or domestic violence;
DP130A. 7d (d) uses and disclosures for health oversight activities;
DP130A. 7e (e) disclosures for judicial and administrative proceedings;
DP130A. 7f (f) disclosures for law enforcement purposes;
DP130A. 7g (g) disclosing protected health information about decedents;
DP130A. 7h (h) uses and disclosures for research purposes;
DP130A. 7i (i) uses and disclosures to avert a serious threat to health or safety;
DP130A. 7j (j) uses and disclosures for specialized government functions; and
DP130A. 7k (k) disclosures for workers’ compensation.
Employees with Access DP130A.8 The authorization will be written in plain language.
Employees with Access DP130A.9 The authorization document will allow participants to request that their PRPI be
to PRPI used or disclosed for specific purposes.
Employees with Access DP130A.10 When the organization initiates an authorization to use or disclose PRPI for its
to PRPI own purposes, the organization will provide participants with any facts they need
to make an informed decision as to whether to allow release of the information.
Employees with Access DP130A.12 Any authorization for the use or disclosure of PRPI will contain the following: