Page 5 - SimpleWaystoPracticeEnglishforBusinessBookStudentsFLIPpdf
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                Simple Ways to Practice English for Business is the coursebook
            containing English grammar sections, reading comprehension, and
            more interesting language materials  that  are  related  to  economic
            and business contexts. It effectively helps English Foreign Language
            learners especially undergraduate students improve and practice their
            language competencies and comprehension. This English coursebook
            is intended to provide more suitable instructional material for teaching
            English for a specific purpose in higher education. Rigorously based
            on English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and Contextual Teaching and
            Learning (CTL) Methodology, this course book has been developed
            under the following views:
            1.  That  there  should  be  a  main  English  coursebook  provided  for
               English for specific purposes in each study program.
            2.  English subjects should  be  oriented  to  the students’  needs  for
               English relevant to their subject matters in each study program.
            3.  English for specific purposes should ideally be taught by subject-
               matter lecturers/instructors in each study program.
            4.  Designed  coursebook  that  fits  the  students’  language  skills  and
               are relevant to business situations hope to be able to improve their
               integrated language skills effectively
            5.  English teachers  should  be  able to  encourage their  students to
               use applicable teaching techniques through this coursebook and
               become a partner for their students when linguistic information
               and problems need to be explained.
                This coursebook is an accomplishment of subject matter lecturers
            in collaboration with English language experts, through selective and
            careful validation processes. Instructors may use this material in its
            present form, emphasizing certain sections considered most relevant
            to their students. It is equally possible to select certain lessons within
            the  module  and  add  their  own  materials  to  fulfill  the  semester
            requirements, language competencies, and learning needs.
                Hopefully,  this coursebook can  be  used  widely as  the  main
            course  material  at  the  university  level,  and  lecturers  can  evaluate
            how effectively the book facilitates the students’ language learning.
            Thus improvements to this course book can be made from year to
            year. Special thanks that the author wants to express addressed to his
            beloved parents and family who always encouraged and supported the

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