Page 8 - SimpleWaystoPracticeEnglishforBusinessBookStudentsFLIPpdf
P. 8

Topics / Learning            Why do you learn
                Unit          Materials                   the topics?
                Uni 1  Self-Introduction and   Students will be able to;
                      Introducing others in a   -  develop their public speaking skills
                      business situation      -  express the language phrases of
                                                introducing oneself and others
                                                formally in a business context
                                              -  increase their confidence in expressing
                                                the language phrases orally.
                Unit 2  Describing an Office   Students are asked to be able to:
                      Situation               -  describe the office situation in a
                                                simple way
                                              -  express the objects described in the
                                              -  analyze an informational reading text
                                                about describing office situation
                Unit 3  What are you doing?   Students will able to:
                      Reading comprehension   -  express the language form in
                      “digital native and digital   continuous tense orally
                      immigrants”.            -  understand the information in reading
                                              -  write the descriptive text
                Unit 4  What kinds of business will   Students should be able to:
                      you design in the future?  -  design and arrange the business plan
                                                interestingly using Canva application
                                              -  develop their oral speaking skill in a
                                                business context
                                              -  present their business plan and project
                                                in the group work
                Unit 5  Standard Operating    Students will be able to:
                      Procedure in Business   -  learn how to make the standard
                      Situation                 operating procedure in a business
                                                context in a simple way
                                              -  present the standard operating
                                              -  improve their speaking and writing
               Unit 6  How to make an         Students are expected to be able to:
                      appointment in a business   -  understand how to make an
                      situation?                appointment procedurally
                                              -  improve their oral language skill by
                                                having interactional dialogues in terms
                                                of making an appointment
                                              -  practice expressing the language
                                                phrases of accepting and canceling an
                Unit 7  Social Media in Business   Students will be able to:
                      Situation               -  make and utilize their social media
                                                platform for business context
                                              -  design their business templates to post
                                                on social media
                                              -  present their business posts orally

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