Page 11 - SimpleWaystoPracticeEnglishforBusinessBookStudentsFLIPpdf
P. 11
- Practice the listening comprehension
- Access the QR code given to carry out
some language practices
Unit 4 - Practice to design the business plan in
What kinds of business group work
will you design in the - Read comprehensively the reading text
future? about “what is Canva and how can we use
it for our business”
- Do some language exercises and
dialogues in business situations
- Present the designed business plan with
the group work
- Understand the vocabulary use
- Listening comprehension using picture
- Learn the grammar pattern of present
future tense in positive, negative, and
interrogative sentences
- Use the given QR code to sharpen your
language skills
Unit 5 - Practice reading the reading passage
Standard Operating comprehensively about “Standard
Procedure operating procedure”
- Design the standard operating procedure
with the group
- Present the standard operating procedure
- Learn the grammar form of the present
perfect tense in positive, negative, and
interrogative forms
- Carry out the language expressions orally
- Perform the dialogue practices with your
- Study the vocabulary
- Practice some language exercises through
the QR code given