Page 13 - SimpleWaystoPracticeEnglishforBusinessBookStudentsFLIPpdf
P. 13
The Description of the Course
This course book, which requires at least 14 learning sessions, is
addressed to everyone at the intermediate level who wants to practice
his or her English as a foreign language. This book can be used by
high schools, universities, English course learners, and academicians.
It is also suitable for employees and staff because this book provides
relevant language learning materials that authentically fit the work
situation and needs.
This book also presents comprehensive English tenses and
language exercises that enable learners or readers to increase their
language understanding and skills. As the language learning materials,
this book is designed to:
1. Encourage learners to practice English effectively
2. Give learners more opportunities to be active and independent
3. Motivate the learners to practice their English skill
4. Engage the learners in well-directed learning situations, and
5. Activate their interest in doing many more interesting language
The courses outline of this book can be described with the