Page 14 - SimpleWaystoPracticeEnglishforBusinessBookStudentsFLIPpdf
P. 14
Units Learning Learning Language
Materials Objectives Functions
Unit 1 In the first unit, After practicing this unit, students Students
we can learn are expected to be able to; will be able
and practice the Speaking skill: to practice
following courses; - develop their public speaking the language
Self-introduction abilities by giving them expressions of
and introducing opportunities to speak in class, introducing
others in a business both formally and formally themselves
situation, reading - Increase their self-confidence and others
comprehension to practice their oral speaking, in a business
“How to Introduce especially the introduction to the context orally,
Yourself in Business business situations using modal
Situations”, language - Improve their speaking ability in auxiliaries to
expressions, business English both in terms of express their
grammar corner, and fluency and comprehensibility. language
language exercises. - Practice oral presentations and in polite
receive learning feedback on manner.
their speaking performance Students will
- Express their thoughts orally in learn how
terms of introducing themselves to express
and others in the business context permission,
- Practice varied language ability,
expressions that students can use possibility,
to introduce themself and others and request
- Identify the meaning, purpose politely.
of communication, text
structure, and language elements
contained in spoken and written
transactional interaction texts
related to personality, and
business relationships according
to the context of use.
Writing skill:
- Improve their writing ability in
terms of introducing themselves
and others in the business
- Enhance the students to write the
language phrases of introducing
themselves and others.
- Practice their writing skills
through some exercises that
can increase grammatical