Page 35 - 2021TCC Yearbook
P. 35
banking. I realize the story of my journey to leadership can help others learn what barriers
stand in the way of women’s advancement and how we can begin to make a change.
Let’s start with a phrase you need to understand
— unconscious bias. My experience has been that as
soon as someone sees the word “bias,” the immediate
reaction is, “I don’t have bias,” and then they dismiss
it. Stay with me for a minute because it plays a
significant role in shaping how and why women do
or do not get into leadership roles.
Unconscious bias refers to a natural programming of the brain where we jump to
assumptions and conclusions without realizing it. This applies to how we perceive other
people and can influence people and situations without us ever knowing we are doing it.
Unconscious bias causes us to seek out people who are more like us in various ways
(e.g., looks, behaviors, interests, hobbies, culture, etc.). This, in turn, impacts who we
interact with, who gets our attention, who we influence and how we make decisions.
If approximately 80% of our leadership is male, the unconscious bias theory would
indicate those male leaders may have been grooming men more often than women by
bringing men into situations and opportunities that helped give them valuable experiences
to advance their careers, without ever realizing they were doing it with a bias toward men.
For example:¨They are men like me, they like the same sports I do, they dress like
me, they remind me of what I was like when I was climbing the ladder©and so on.