Page 39 - 2021TCC Yearbook
P. 39


                     I AM AWESOME 我棒透了
                     Women are awful at touting how great we are at our jobs. It is very uncomfortable for
                many of us to look at someone across the desk and say, ¨By the way, I am awesome!©
                It is especially hard when many of us are looking across the desk at a male leader. Keep a
                journal of your accomplishments so you remember what you have done for the company.
                Find a way to help show how you bring value. Bring this with you to the next evaluation,
                appraisal, mentoring or coaching meeting and talk about your accomplishments.


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                     Change takes courage, energy and time. It took us a long time to get where we are,
                and it will take time for us to get where we want to be. That is no excuse for not changing.
                Women must break out from the crowd and begin to forge their own path to the top, even
                when you don’t see any other women ahead of you.


                     Stop blaming and start acting. We must take up the reins and ride forward to create
                more paths for the women coming behind us. If you train yourself to fear less, you will
                succeed in your journey into leadership, and those young women who start with your
                company behind you will see a leader and they will follow.

                     Debbie Scanlon is the regional industry leader for BKD National Financial Services
                                                            Group in BKD’s South Region. She has more
                                                            than 29 years of experience providing audit

                                                            and consulting services to the financial services
                                                                 Debbie Scanlon݊BKDی௅ήਜBKD਷


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