Page 31 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 31

Shit! Speaking of warriors I was again reminded of Virat but I shook
                           my head vigorously to register my protest against that rebellious thought and
                           that name which had nothing to offer but agony. I had already spent many
                           sleepless  nights  and  meaningless  days  thinking  about  him,  when  he  was
                           nowhere to be found. Why did he ever come to me? I had been happy, at
                           least content with my life. And now? A weird numbing sense of expectation
                           from a stranger who never meant anything clouded my days.
                                   No! Not him again! I have to focus on my career.
                                   There  was  absolutely  nothing  happening  on  the  job  front.  The
                           Human  Resource  department  was  on  some  sort  of  secret  mission  of
                           tormenting  the  newly  recruited  trainees  as  long  as  we  were  in  their  grip.
                           Every day our pride at being employed there was being replaced slowly by a
                           feeling that we were slaves. Our jobs ranged from bringing coffee for HR to
                           attending  to  their  daily  grocery  needs  to  working  on  their  PowerPoint
                           presentations and excel spreadsheets. No assignment was given to us even in
                           two  months  and  we  were  subjected  to  regular  quizzes  and  surprise  tests
                           evaluating our various technical and interpersonal skills just like in college.
                                   Swami being the nerd that he was turned out to be the brightest star
                           of our batch of newly joined employees. He was the only one memorizing
                           the pile of boring manuals thrown at us. Though his popularity among HR
                           guys was directly proportional to the hatred among the trainees, it did not
                           bother him an ounce. Some genius from the HR department came up with
                           the very original idea of introducing morning yoga to our batch which looted
                           its peace. They believed yoga would help us focus better, gain confidence
                           and strengthen our corporate ethics.
                                   Once we also swept the streets in the Dharavi slums as an initiative
                           by  our  company’s  ‘Swach  Mohalla  Abhiyan’.  The  head  honchos  of  the
                           company  truly  believed  it  would  connect  us  with  the  locals.  But  we  saw
                           them laughing at us while we collected garbage with constipated looks on
                           our faces. One five-year-old kid even had the audacity to pee openly on our
                           collected garbage and run away instantly. Don’t believe in shining India ads.
                           It’s not all that easy. Though the corporate managers of various departments
                           were supposed to participate, at the last moment, they decided to send the
                           batch  of  new  trainees  to  help  them  gain  some  exposure  to  community
                           services. They knew we had no way out but to dance to their beats.
                                   Also it is important to mention here, while we acquired the status of
                           ‘Sharma ji ka Beta’ back home finally, we did everything our parents and
                           relatives never imagined we would.
                                   In short, life sucked!
                                   But there was a silver lining amidst the black clouds. We grasped the
                           pulse of the city and loved every moment in Mumbai. It would never stop
                           mesmerizing us.
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