Page 35 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 35

Thank God Gaurav had chosen Masala Kraft! I instantly fell in love
                           with the restaurant. The flowers, the music and the ambience made it all so
                           dreamy. Gaurav, Dipti, Swami and Nidhi looked equally awestruck. We had
                           this  huge  discussion  over  what  to  order  and  what  not  to,  but  finally  we
                           settled for our typical paneer, mushroom, naan and daal. In the meantime,
                           we were served cool sugarcane juices.
                                   Life for once, felt surreal.
                                   I had this huge sense of satisfaction that I had chalked out my life
                           plans well, executing it even better at that point of time. I was happy to be
                           with them and celebrate my success, achieving what I always desired and
                           ultimately to live life on my own terms.
                                   Nothing  would  have  been  better  than  this.  Life  was  all  black  and
                           white for me at that moment and my chest was filled with pride. For once, it
                           felt like I had complete control over my life.
                                   But I wish I’d known that we were mere pawns in the bigger course
                           of  universal  plans.  No  matter  how  much  enthusiasm  and  enticement  we
                           muster, the universal forces maneuver us  in a manner that we  don’t quite
                           understand, at least until it is too late.
                                   Chaos is the ultimate truth and control is a myth!
                                   Once  we  were  done  with  our  soup,  we  started  clicking  selfies  to
                           share on social media. Dipti’s floral maxi against the backdrop of the Taj
                           gathered hundreds of likes on Facebook and she fluttered her eyelashes like
                           a diva. Nidhi and I tagged people on Facebook in order to push them to like
                           our pictures, setting aside the bouts of guilt and embarrassment rising within
                           us. Gaurav did not even try. He just WhatsApped his pictures to his close
                           group of school friends who in return filled the group with comments like
                           ‘Cha gaye guru, launda jawan ho gaya hai,’ which encouraged him to try
                           some more of his silly poses while some sophisticated-looking folks seated
                           next to us laughed at us.
                                   In  short,  everyone  knew  we  had  never  been  to  a  five-star  hotel
                                   After a few more drinks, I got up to use the restroom. I could see the
                           Taj was glowing with the liveliness of the most affluent and acclaimed, who
                           gathered there to celebrate their entrepreneurial success and indulge in the
                           dreams and hopes that this city has to offer to them. After all the Taj was just
                           not any hotel but the iconic identity of this legendary city and a symbol of
                                   I smiled without realizing that it was going to be my last smile for a
                           very long time.
                                   The  restrooms  were  located  in  a  relatively  quiet  corner,  separated
                           from  the  central  dome  area  by  a  corridor.  When  I  got  back  from  the
                           restroom, I could sense a sudden uneasiness in the air.
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