Page 37 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 37

6. The Burning Taj

                           I spun around and saw two heavily armed men storming into the central hall.
                           They  were  hurling  abuses  and  firing  at  anyone  and  everyone  who  caught
                           their  sight.  I  felt  like  I  would  collapse  but  somehow  that  inner  survival
                           instinct  pushed  my  frozen  feet  to  run  and  seek  shelter.  There  was  chaos,
                           panic and fear in the air. People started running everywhere and frantically
                           calling out for help. I stopped running and crawled under a nearby dining
                           table. I was shivering in shock and praying.
                                   All of a sudden, I remembered my parents and missed them terribly. I
                           was separated from my gang and did not know about their whereabouts. I
                           felt  a  wave  of  apprehension  and  accelerated  heartbeat,  as  a  feeling  of
                           extreme helplessness surrounded me. Sneaky emotions of hysteria made me
                           realize that I was a speck of nothing in this vastness that only defined my
                                   It was a nightmare!
                                   I  could  see  countless  bodies  now,  some  dead,  some  injured,  some
                           hiding. It was a miracle that I was alive and that I still had control over my
                                   Slowly the gunshots grew faint and I thought that maybe it was over.
                           I had to leave quickly. I crawled out from under the dining table and saw
                           some people coming out of the bar area. It was pure horror and we were all
                           scared to death. Somehow that collective horror and our instincts for survival
                           transformed  us  into  a  group  of  terrified  people  who  started  frantically
                           seeking shelter.
                                   After a few steps, we found more guests rushing towards the banquet
                           hall.  The  fear  was  tightening  its  grip  on  us  and  snatching  our  survival
                           instincts  of  hope  and  intelligence  with  each  passing  second.  Time  was  of
                           prime importance and so, without even giving it a second thought, we all
                           started following that trail which was formed unconsciously.
                                   Suddenly, it seemed that everybody inside the hotel was pouring into
                           that hall and, much to our relief, we found some of the hotel staff already
                           there, comforting the guests. There were young brides, little children wailing
                           in  fear,  mothers  gripping  their  toddlers,  anxious  fathers  trying  to  comfort
                           their families and random people who were now all bonded by the fear of the
                           unknown. A few of us were sobbing and a few crying for help.
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