Page 81 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 81

activities  that  the  school  offered  them.  They  idolized  us  teachers  and
                           followed our instructions earnestly. That is the beauty of young minds, they
                           accept what comes their way. It is up to the older generation to offer them a
                           world they truly deserve, away from hatred, politics and war.
                                   For them we were the angels sent by Allah, for us it was them!
                                   Life  had  never  been  this  fulfilling  and  enriching.  Each  interaction
                           with those kids would bring me closer to life. I started calling my parents
                           every day because I realized how fortunate I was to have them. Sometimes,
                           my heart would fill with sadness—I would wonder ‘Why them?’ But it was
                           healing to be around the kids. Participating in their daily lives and solving
                           their cute little problems that did not matter to anybody else was therapeutic.
                                   Sometimes the dean, Mr Khan, would organize a trek or a picnic and
                           that day would be a happy day for all of us. We would all stuff ourselves into
                           a  compact  van,  look  out  of  the  glass  windows  happily  and  await  our
                           destination.  The  picnic  spot  would  mostly  be  at  a  bucolic  setting  in  the
                           valley. Campfires would be lit and the surrounding would be engulfed by
                           some of the most exotic aromas of chicken and rice. The swaying trees and
                           the gurgling rivers would seem very welcoming. The magnificent wilderness
                           in its virgin beauty would mesmerize the senses. The overjoyed children, in
                           their  new-found  freedom,  would  not  leave  a  single  stone  unturned  in  the
                           area. The barriers of civilization ceased to exist in those moments.
                                   There was a time when I would be overjoyed to shop—embellished
                           capes,  Calvin  Klein  ripped  jeans  or  Michael  Kors  leather  tote  bags.  The
                           swirling sticks of Bobbi Brown lipsticks or the smell of Chanel perfumes
                           would lift me up. Happiness, back then, lived at the cozy corner of Starbucks
                           or at a high end restaurant in Bandra.
                                   How  naïve  I  was!  I  never  actually  knew  true  happiness.  There,  in
                           those  shabby  pherans,  I  found  sterling  joy  radiating  everywhere,  while
                           slurping chicken stew or doing absolutely nothing!
                                   Happiness is when you realize that it is within you and not outside.
                                   Then we would return to our humble accommodation. The exhausted
                           kids would snooze in the van, only to be hustled back into their hostel rooms
                                   Life was blissful during those days.
                                   I could feel peace all around me in its most unadulterated form. The
                           sunrays radiating across the mountains would fill my room with warmth on
                           cozy Sundays when I snuggled into my pillow some more. Adrakwali chai
                           had totally replaced the dark espresso in my life and kahwa replaced cold-
                                   Life is really simple. We make it complicated with our desires and
                           loathing.  Nothing  is  ever  enough  for  us  and  we  keep  wandering  into  the
                           jungles of wanting more and instigating the karmic cycle.
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