Page 83 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 83

his coffin. The eyes of the Rashtriya Rifles soldiers were bloodshot and the
                           eerie quiet around was indication of an upcoming storm.
                                   The guards performed ‘Shok Shastra’ and even the sky cried that day.
                                   Such  young  souls  never  die.  They  are  martyrs  and  are  registered
                           carefully  in  the  pages  of  history  to  be  presented  as  symbols  of  hopes  for
                           generations  to  come.  The  death  was  mourned  deeply  among  the  locals.  It
                           was taken as the death of one more Kashmiri dream. The same dream which
                           lingers in the hearts of thousands of Kashmiri youth.
                                   There  are  two  sides  of  Kashmir.  One  side  has  a  rich  tradition  of
                           joining the Indian Armed forces; there are many battalions like the Jammu
                           and Kashmir Light Infantry and Jammu and Kashmir Rifles, which comprise
                           Jammu and Kashmiri youth, ready to protect the borders always. The young
                           Kashmiri  men  and  women  join  the  armed  forces  and  police  to  adorn
                           uniforms  as  righteously  as  any  other  Indian  to  serve  the  mother  nation.
                           These people believe in the dream seen by their forefathers, called sovereign
                           India. They know the pride and privilege that it takes to be an Indian citizen.
                                   The other side believes in the ideology of Azad Kashmir. They don’t
                           believe  in  any  government  and  despise  people  believing  in  Indian
                           sovereignty. They might be right about their ideology but killing their own
                           people for their beliefs? How is that justified when you claim to fight for
                           your beliefs?
                                   They  waste  their  people  over  false  claims  and  promises  by
                           governments, countries, separatists and leaders who themselves never chose
                           the same path for their own families. Kashmir sheds tears every day over the
                           tragedy  of  losing  the  locals,  the  forces,  the  young,  the  old  and  the  loved
                           ones. This heaven on earth has not been able to cherish its beauty and dwell
                           in its full glory for a long time. This bride has lived the life of a widow since
                           long. Only because of some people’s greed it has lost its sons, daughters and
                                   This kind of planned propaganda deters people from claiming their
                           righteous  dominance.  It  is  a  vicious  circle  of  karma  which  never  ends.
                           Deaths are mourned, emotions are replaced by rage. Revenge replaces the
                           aspirations.  Young  lives  are  turned  towards  violence.  The  dreams  are  no
                           more  about  green  pastures  and  fairy  lands  but  about  fire  and  death.  Who
                           wins?  Who  loses?  Who  is  right?  Who  is  wrong?  Who  gains  what?  They
                           make a list of trivial questions and what matters eventually is that families
                           are destroyed and no single side is spared from the hatred and loss.
                                   I sighed.
                                   My heart had grown to love the place over time. Kashmir was truly
                           mesmerizing, if you looked at only one side and chose to ignore the other
                           side  which  is  dark,  brutal  and  shocking.  The  classes  were  suspended  and
                           gates were closed all the time during the riots. All of us were instructed not
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