Page 128 - Innovative Professional Development Methods and Strategies for STEM Education
P. 128

The Role of Teacher Leadership for Promoting Professional Development Practices

                        event. For participants it will be a post survey about experience at the conference and what it will
                        lead to. (Director: 1 hour to make the survey, Teacher-leaders and Participants: 30 min to take the
                   •    February 2015: Using the survey results the director composes a Math/Art conference report. It
                        will be sent to all districts who paid for teachers to attend and to the leadership team.

                      The hours of work time for teacher leaders will range from 15 - 20 hours to 40 hours. The hours of
                   work time for the director will be about 80 hours. The work will take place over a period of 1 year. The
                   remote work is done at everyone’s convenience using computers, phone or tablets. The flexible remote
                   aspect makes the time spent very efficient. Teacher leaders are involved in email streams about parts of
                   the conference they care about. The teachers determine how much or how little they work.
                   Planning a Professional Development Event

                   The planning of a Monterey Bay Area professional development event begins with an idea (see Figure 4).
                      The critical INPUT is an idea for a topic and interested teacher leaders. The OUTPUT for the teachers
                   is the work of directing and producing the event, for the director it is using the infrastructure of MBAMP
                   in service of supporting the vision of the teacher leaders, being the person with the institutional knowledge,
                   helping the leadership team to make sure they do not overlook any details. The teacher participants who

                   Figure 4. Planning an MBAMP event

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