Page 139 - Innovative Professional Development Methods and Strategies for STEM Education
P. 139

Teachers’ Professional Development in the Digitized World

               2.   While-course data
                       ◦  Interview for immediate impact
                       ◦  Analysis of completed tasks and documents
               3.   Post-course Data
                       ◦  Written report from the participating teachers in order to reveal the impact of the course on

                         their development
                       ◦  Written report to reveal the impact on the institution

               Data Analysis

               The data collected from the participants through written reports and the participants’ posts on the social
               media. An open, axial, and selective coding (Strauss & Corbin, 1998) was followed in the analysis. In
               open coding, transcribed data was sorted out as sentences or larger groups sentences that contain single
               ideas. A code was given to the emerging concept. The items from the open coding analysis were reduced
               to concepts through axial coding. During selective coding, these concepts were then gathered as two
               central categories (expectations and impact on professional development. The two central categories
               were further divided into sub-categories, presented in Table 2 and 3 respectively.

               Table 2. Central themes regarding participants’ expectations from the course

                  Learning to   • As it will relate to how I can use technology in my classroom
                 Integrate ICT  • To experience how technology can be integrated into classrooms
                              • In order to learn how to use it more effectively in my classroom
                              • To find an answer to how I can use technology better in my classroom
                              • By developing professionally, I want to learn how I can adapt technology into my classrooms
                              • To learn about new technological applications and reflect over how I can integrate them into my classroom
                              • To find technology-integrated applications from lessons
                     Self-    • To improve myself and learn new things
                  Development  • To update myself about technology and develop myself
                              • Promote my skills in the use of technology in education
                              • It will be informative for me
                              • To enhance my professional knowledge and competency
                              • To learn more about how students are learning in the 21st century and developing a perspective in order to teach
                              • To learn about alternative technology-based methods of teaching as it is needed in this century
                              • To share to learn and to self-develop
                   Curiosity  • I am curious about technology and keen on generating through technology
                              • I love technology.
                              • I am always interested in trainings on the use of technology for educational purposes
                              • I have developed tremendous curiosity about using technology in lessons recently
                   Training   • I want to run workshops in my school and share with them what is new about the use of technology
                              • To share what I have learnt about technology with my colleagues
                     Fun      • To make my lessons more interesting and fun
                              • To teach in a way that is enjoyable and appealing to students
                  Awareness   To raise my awareness towards educational technology
                  Motivation  To increase students’ motivation to learn

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