Page 140 - Innovative Professional Development Methods and Strategies for STEM Education
P. 140

Teachers’ Professional Development in the Digitized World

                   Table 3. The prospective impact of the training on teachers’ professional development

                      Major     Specific                               Excerpts
                      Impact    Impact
                    Professional  Classroom   I will generate ideas for how to use it better.
                                         I already start to think about specific ways of using web 2.0 tools, Google documents and LMS.
                                         I have already started to integrate. I put technology into the lesson plans.
                                         I am sharing what I have learnt with my students and then we implement the technological tools.
                                         I am implementing several new applications in the classroom now.
                                         I will use it in the assignment checking.
                                         I am using technology for consolidation activities and students’ evaluations.
                                         I am implementing technology for creative writing and collaborative writing
                                Student   I am planning to use technology inside and outside the classroom where ever possible to increase student
                                learning  motivation and learning.
                                         The students reported that they feel more motivated and learn better and more.
                                         Students are learning better with individual and groups work and have greater motivation now.
                                Planning  It has already integrated. What I used to do on the basis of trial and error became more planned and with
                                         more awareness.
                                         I have become more professional when I am planning to integrate technology in my classes.
                                         I have been thinking about ways of integrating technology into my lesson plans considering the target
                                         I have started to organize technology-enhanced implementation especially for classroom management.
                              Development  The training taught me how to catch fish rather than gave me fish to eat whenever I need.
                    Institutional  Change  I will reconsider the content of my lessons as a leader of change in my institution.
                                         I have been given an opportunity to become technology leaders in my school so that I can enrich
                                         instructional varieties.
                                         I have already set up a Google Drive to share with 21 colleagues the syllabuses, meetings sheets, and
                                         I plan to become technology leader in the institutions I work for especially in the area of integration of
                                         ICT in the classrooms.
                                         I am preparing applications and implementations in line with the curriculum.
                                         I want to become an agent of change in my school and environment.
                               Expertise  I am sorting out problem arising at school through the use of technology.


                   Analysis of the pre-course written report: The expectations of the participants before the course

                   21 participants responded to the first question of the online course evaluation survey. Table 2 presents
                   the central themes participants mentioned regarding the specific and personal reasons for attending the
                   course, ETUSP.
                      From the 26 responses of the 21 participants, 7 central themes were grounded. The responses are
                   very positive and all have connotations with intrinsic motivation to develop their digital and techno-
                   logical literacy as teachers. There seems to be a tendency to grasp the importance of technology use

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