Page 37 - Issue 3 xxxposure WIP
P. 37
You model a lot of your work
yourself and do it beautifully!,
when you do a photoshoot
with one of your pieces do you
have specific aesthetic
guidelines or themes you like
to follow?
Thank you. I do everything by
myself, yes.. and shootings are the
most fun part of the whole process.
My photos are pretty simple, How do you stay in such good
especially if it's a new mask. I use shape you look fantastic!
similar schemes in my photos, flat
background colour, bust and mask, Thank you! I try my best without
always focusing attention on the being an obsession right now. I
mask which is what interests me, have always been connected to
always accompanying it with a sports since I was a kid, although I
certain attitude or emotion through have been dedicating myself to
the gaze to give it a more bodybuilding for about 4/5 years
aggressive tone. But the reality is now. Food is everything, plus I
that I prefer to work with models have a good trainer. But in general I
because staying behind the camera have a very healthy life, otherwise I
I can play much more with lights, don't think I would be able to do
poses and make better everything I do throughout the day.
compositions. On the other hand, Discipline is my best friend
there are some special models such because it applies to all aspects of
as masks with wings, in which I my life. Besides, sport is, in a
dedicate more time to do certain way, part of my life and my
something cool, integrating 3D work. And especially, all the
design elements and proposing aesthetics of the gyms, the
more complex or artistic concepts machines, the sports clothing, the
that are related to the inspiration or sweat and the muscles, go hand in
sensations that it evokes in me. hand with my entire project. As a
that piece. Each mask has a guy who loves to draw I have
different energy, and that is what I always been inspired by the
want to express through the human body and anatomy. I am
photos. also very enthusiastic about
bodybuilding championships and I
apply many elements of this in my
work, such as the poses and
movements of the models. For me,
sport is like going to church on
Sundays, but more days and better.
It really helps me keep my head on
straight and keeps me inspired.