Page 133 - IGC BOOK
P. 133

Reviewing Health and Safety Performance     4.4

               It is important that organisations review their health and safety

               It allows you to establish whether the essential health and safety
               principles – effective leadership and management, competence,
               worker consultation and involvement – have been embedded in the
               organisation. It tells you whether your system is effective in
               managing risk and protecting people.

               Review your performance                                                 Review is an essential part of
                                                                                          Management system
               • Learn from accidents and incidents, ill-health data, errors and relevant experience, including
                  from other organisations.

               • Revisit plans, policy documents and risk assessments to see if they need updating.

               Take action on lessons learned.

               • Include audit and inspection reports.

               Purpose of Regular Reviews

               • Monthly – Department review to ensure performance is on track to achieve targets within
                  their department.

               • Quarterly – Management team review to ensure performance is on track to achieve targets
                  of the whole organisation.

               • Annual – review of organisation’s safety management is usually done by the board of

               Reviewing also gives you the opportunity to celebrate and promote your health and safety
               successes. Increasingly, third parties are requiring partner organisations to report health and
               safety performance publicly.

               The most important aspect of reviewing is that it closes the loop. The outcomes of your review
               become what you plan to do next with health and safety.

               Reasons why an organisation should review its health and safety performance

               • To identify whether the organisation is moving towards achieving the target or not, if not then
               • What changes we need to adopt to continually improve the performance.
               • Monitoring and reviewing performance are significant part of management system.
               • Review is part of accreditation to management system ISO 45001, ILO OSH 2001.

                 ENSIGN |                      Unit IG1 – Element 4 – Health and Safety Monitoring and Measuring  21
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