Page 186 - IGC BOOK
P. 186

The risk assessment must focus on the four factors


               if the load is:                                                             LOAD

               • Heavy

               • Bulky
               • Difficult to manage
               • Difficult to grasp (e.g. metals wet materials)

               • Containing contents which are likely to move about whilst being carried
               • Unstable (e.g. liquids, live animals)
               • Hot, sharp or may cause any other injuries

               If the individual carrying out the activity is:

               • Required to have unusual strength.
               • Required to be tall.

               • New or expectant mother.
               • Pre-existing health condition if any.

               • Required to have specific training.
               • Required to be given information with complex details.

                 ENSIGN |                                              Unit IG2 – Element 6 – Musculoskeletal   10
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