Page 189 - IGC BOOK
P. 189

Loads may be liquids which are in constant
               movement while being lifted. Large loads affect the
               vision causing obstruction while moving. This
               makes the chances of slipping or tripping. Some
               loads by their nature are sharp, hot, or slippery
               which makes handling difficult.

               The general principles of controlling the risk
               presented by the load are to make the load:

               • lighter or less bulky
               • easier to grasp
               • more stable
               • evenly stacked

               If the load comes in from elsewhere, ensure the supplier to provide handles or make it as
               smaller packages.


               General health, age, sex, height and build all make a difference to manual handling capability.
               People generally are stronger in their early 20s; strength slowly declines until the mid-40s when
               it declines more rapidly. Individual capability needs to be constantly monitored through
               supervision Employees must inform managers or
               supervisors if their ability to lift or move loads changes
               even on a temporary basis to enable changes and
               adaptations to be made.

               The general principles of controlling the risk by managing
               individual capability:

               • Individual capability must always be given priority
               • Employees must be given full details on the tasks they
                  will be expected to undertake
               • Where higher risks of manual handling injuries are identified specific training must be given

               • Procedures to protect new or expectant mothers must be in place
               • Employees must be given information on the tasks they are likely to face in the workplace

               • Policy and procedures must be adjusted to address temporary capability issues
               • Work clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE), when worn must be suitable for
                  manual handling activities.


               The task needs to be assessed to determine the most suitable control measures to be
               introduced. The best way of controlling the risk presented task is by automating the system.
               However, this may be a costly solution and may not fit in with the workplace.

                 ENSIGN |                                              Unit IG2 – Element 6 – Musculoskeletal   13
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